RTS Earth is under attack

Hey darlins!  RTS.Earth has been under constant Ddos attacks for the past few weeks.  I’ve migrated the site to a new server, yet the attacks continue…. please have patience while I try and sort this shit out!

My old email is not working at the moment.  To contact me:
dani (at) rtsearth (dot) com

Home of Removing the Shackles, the UnFuckIt Discussion, Astrology 2.0, and other shows

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Recent Shows & Articles

  • The UnFuckIt Discussion June 26 2024

    Here is this weeks UnFuckIt Discussion      
  • The UnFuckIt Discussion, June 19 2024

    "Does the outside temperatures just not feel right to you?  Does the weatherman say it's "Hot" yet you don't feel hot?  That's because of ...... CLIMATE CHANGE!!  Yes, there's so much CO2 in the air that you no longer know what you're feeling!  So instead of relying on your own...
  • Wellness Naturally: your brain

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  • The UnFuckIt Discussion, June 12 2024

    Last nights UnFuckIt Discussion was  a litany of bizarre news from the past week- some main stream, some obscure..... it's a whole lotta clown world out there my friends!!!   https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3539    
  • The UnFuckIt Discussion, June 5th 2024

    Well.... it's certainly getting transparent out there, isn't it?   The political and financial bullshit *cough*cough*dictatorship*cough*cough has never been more exposed to the general public than it is right now.  Seriously. Anyone who can't see this shit by now, is too stupid to be allowed to vote..... in any election.    
  • The UnFuckIt Discussion May 29 2024

    As the Insanity Turns... Last nights UnFuckIt Discussion began a bit early as the members chat was too interesting to cut out!  Weird science, Empty houses, Elections, and.... so much bullshit! I also included a quick solar update during the show.  
  • SOLAR UPDATE: May 27 2024 9UTC

    SOLAR UPDATE! May 27 8:53 UTC Well darlins, our old friend sunspot 3664 which gave us so many "interesting" activities (lol) a couple of weeks ago, is now rotating back into view and has been renumbered 3691.... and it just blew off another X Class 2.9 solar flare!! We have minor...
  • The UnFuckIt Discussion, May 22 2024

    Well there are only two main topics in this weeks discussion, and if you watch The Joe Rogan Experience, you know exactly which two I'm talking about!! This week Rogan put out two pod casts- the first one with Rizwan Virk, a computer/game programmer and author talking about Simulation Theory, and...
  • Wellness Naturally: Your Skin… not just a pretty wrapper!

    Wellness Naturally:  Your skin…. the most ignored and abused organ in our bodies! Last nights show Ann Callaghan, Dr. Cori Stern and Dani McKenny dug into the topic of  your SKIN.  As the largest organ in our bodies it’s also the most misunderstood.  Our skin is a complex organism that does...
  • The UnFuckIt Discussion, May 15 2024

    Here is last nights UnFuckIt Discussion, May 15th 2024.  We opened the show with a discussion about the crazy solar events that have been blasting us for the past week, and what's happening now.  And of course we had to talk about King Charles new portrait, lol.  .... so so...
  • Solar Event Update, May 12 2024

    SOLAR UPDATE- May 12 2024 at 9am UTC Good morning darlins, so things have calmed down slightly as far as our geomagnetic shield and the sun is concerned. Since yesterdays 2 X class flares during the night and around noon, we've had a couple more M class flares from sunspot 3664,...

    UPDATE:  Darlins.... shit is about to get real. On top of the 5, yes FIVE CMEs that went off over the past 48 hours- this morning we saw the sun give up yet ANOTHER X3.9 solar flare   All you guys who've been following me since  "the old days" know that I've been...
  • The UnFuckIt Discussion May 8 2024

    Last nights UnFuckIt Discussion opened with me giving a Solar report: We've had 3 X Class solar flares and multiple high level M Class flares in the past 24 hours.  We're expecting 2 CMEs from two of the solar flares to go past Earth on Friday, and there was a...
  • Astrology 2.0: Oh Shift!

    On Sunday we sat down with our awesome astrology ladies: Amina, Jules & Meghan- to dig into what the hell is going on!!!  'Cause... oh Shift!  Shift is getting real!!    
  • Wellness Naturally: Your Guts, Part II

    Ann Callaghan, Dr. Cori Stern and Dani McKenny continue the discussion about "Your Guts".  This is part two of the series, and we discussed several different common digestive problems, and focused on preventative steps we can take, and remedies for various "gut" issues, and how to maintain good gut health!...
  • The UnFuckIt Discussion, April 24 2024

    Well this week has certainly had some interesting shit going on!!  From the kings guard horses running wild through the downtown streets of London, to Tucker Carleson on Joe Rogan, to some very weird push towards religion building up in a way that's.... highly questionable.   Yea..... seems we're not in...
  • The UnFuckIt Discussion, April 10 2024

    Sorry for the delay darlins Here is The UnFuckIt Discussion from April 10th 2024        
  • The UnFuckIt Discussion, April 3 2024

       Here is our UnFuckIt Discussion from this week.  Sorry for the delay, serious computer issues!! This is the video that we watched that started the discussion this week: https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1775551943429226841?t=bhJUkIhOuiuAEv1kEMNAwQ&s=07    
  • The UnFuckIt Discussion, March 27 2024

    Well darlins....  what about that bridge eh?  Isn't it interesting that suddenly, no one is talking about the terrorist attack in Moscow, or the fact that Israel just told the world to fuck off and that they'll blow up whoever they want, or that P Diddy had his very own...
  • The UnFuckIt Discussion, March 20 2024

    Our UnFuckIt Discussion from Wednesday March 20, 2024 Sorry darlins for the delay in getting this weeks UnFuckIt Discussion published .... but I've had catastrophic computer issues for the past 3 days. Since the Ddos attacks on RTS.Earth and UnFuckersunite.com, my computer has had major issues. I've run 7 different virus/malware...