The UnFuckIt Discussion, June 19 2024

"Does the outside temperatures just not feel right to you?  Does the weatherman say it's "Hot" yet you don't feel hot?  That's because of ...... CLIMATE CHANGE!!  Yes, there's so much CO2 in the air that you no longer know what you're feeling!  So instead of relying on your own self to tell you how you feel.... listen to us, and WE'LL…


Wellness Naturally: your brain

In this episode of Wellness Naturally, we talked about BRAINS…but not zombies! Brain health is a vital piece of our over all well being and is probably one of the areas of “health” that people know the least about. In this episode we talked about what our brain is made of, what it does, and how it interacts with our entire body.…


SOLAR UPDATE: May 27 2024 9UTC

SOLAR UPDATE! May 27 8:53 UTC Well darlins, our old friend sunspot 3664 which gave us so many "interesting" activities (lol) a couple of weeks ago, is now rotating back into view and has been renumbered 3691.... and it just blew off another X Class 2.9 solar flare!! We have minor proton storm and may possibly see radio blackouts/disturbances this morning. 3691…


Wellness Naturally: Your Skin… not just a pretty wrapper!

Wellness Naturally:  Your skin…. the most ignored and abused organ in our bodies! Last nights show Ann Callaghan, Dr. Cori Stern and Dani McKenny dug into the topic of  your SKIN.  As the largest organ in our bodies it’s also the most misunderstood.  Our skin is a complex organism that does a myriad of vital jobs and is just as important as…


Solar Event Update, May 12 2024

SOLAR UPDATE- May 12 2024 at 9am UTC Good morning darlins, so things have calmed down slightly as far as our geomagnetic shield and the sun is concerned. Since yesterdays 2 X class flares during the night and around noon, we've had a couple more M class flares from sunspot 3664, but it's been about 18 hours since the last X class…



UPDATE:  Darlins.... shit is about to get real. On top of the 5, yes FIVE CMEs that went off over the past 48 hours- this morning we saw the sun give up yet ANOTHER X3.9 solar flare   All you guys who've been following me since  "the old days" know that I've been researching solar physics- specifically the effects on biology and…


Wellness Naturally: Your Guts, Part II

Ann Callaghan, Dr. Cori Stern and Dani McKenny continue the discussion about "Your Guts".  This is part two of the series, and we discussed several different common digestive problems, and focused on preventative steps we can take, and remedies for various "gut" issues, and how to maintain good gut health! This is the public section of our discussion, the Q&A session is…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, March 13 2024

Here is this weeks UnFuckIt Discussion from March 13th 2024 As I noted earlier in the week, and are both being constantly bombarded with Ddos Attacks.  I've migrated to a new server and the attacks have continued over there now..... I"m doing what I can to try and keep the site safe, but seriously, this shit is exhausting. D…