UnFuckIt Discussion Eurasian edition April 14 2019

  Welcome back to the Monthly UnFuckIt Eurasian Edition!! WTAF is going on?!  I opened the discussion with a very short list of the insanity that has taken place over the course of just 3 days last week- from Assange's arrest, to the BREXIT deal getting kicked down the road till Oct 31, to riots and military coups in several countries, to…



  Questions my darlins.  Lots and Lots of Questions!   I'm copying the entire article from Spaceweather.com because it is virtually impossible to back track their articles off the main page of their site. Does anyone else have a strong suspicion that there is something else going on here?  There was no geomagnetic storms last night nor any other night for the…


Transpicuous News: What is going on deep within our planet?

  Over the past few years we've talked a lot about the various earth shaking events that have been increasing exponentially year after year.  Recently, in the past few months, there have been several events that could all seemingly tie in together. You may remember months ago the news that went viral that our Earth "rang like a bell" for almost an…


UnFuckIt Discussion April 3 2019

  Last night on the UnFuckIt discussion, we dug deep into the matrix and looked at  Mandela Effects, as perhaps a sign post of major changes within "the matrix", and looked again at the Simulation hypothesis: that we are living in a simulation. Along and within these topics we also discussed "mud flood" theory, the electric universe and the geomagnetic/geophysical anomalies that…


Sarah Westall:Trump Signs EMP Executive Order, Massive Blasts Hitting Earth – Dani Arnold McKenny

  On Monday  I was interviewed by Sarah Westall again and we had a great discussion. We talked about the latest geomagnetic anomalies and discussed Trump's EMP executive order, the continual EMP blasts hitting the Earth and the unprecedented solar storm activity being tracked. We also talked about the real effects that humans can and are suffering from the higher and lower…


UnFuckers Chat after Fringe, March 31 2019

After watching Fringe last night, the UnFuckers hung out and got into some pretty deep conversations about the entities that control this reality- really deep woo on this.  We talked about my major WTF Effect that happened to me on Friday, where again, it seems I've dropped into another reality/timeline, and a pretty deep discussion on not just the nature of our…


We create the world around us…

  Recently I've returned to reading again, reading for pleasure, not research that is.  And yet every book I pick up seems to have some deeper meaning, with highlights of information that resonate deep within me.  I've just re-read all of David Eddings epic series, which I've read several times over the past 30 years, and over and over again, pieces jumped…


UnFuckIt Discussion, March 27th 2019

  Oh the Insanity!!  We opened up the live stream with an episode of Transpicuous News, and then the ranting and raging continued into the  UnFuckIt discussion. 'Cause seriously.... what fuckin planet am I on?   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFEJFM-OGO4&feature=youtu.be    


Transpicuous News March 27 2019: Epic Insanity

  These days I don't dip my toes into the political swamp very often, but this week, hell, just the past few days, the insanity play out in the world is reaching epic proportions that literally boggle the mind. d   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UmJS63iqPA&feature=youtu.be   Links for this episode of Transpicuous News: http://rts.earth/2019/03/transpicuous-views-pocketnet-decentralized-social-media/ http://rts.earth/2019/03/transpicuous-news-march-25th-geomagnetic-update/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-coordinating-national-resilience-electromagnetic-pulses/?fbclid=IwAR3J-I9yZd--dhFNa2dV42JdafrM6EvWWBVkCncl0gk1kNUmxyWIPMT7pHE https://www.ft.com/content/ec9ee89c-a1a7-3c88-a8c3-3818f3781d4f https://www.bitchute.com/video/J4DhecQQjdM/?fbclid=IwAR2xDqYgxcT47TVrKPf5SlioGZOHMvtY_aAFCFwVoHVWbHSLVUeis2Mpv0g https://www.rt.com/news/454711-trump-signs-golan-heights/?utm_source=browser&utm_medium=push_notifications&utm_campaign=push_notifications&fbclid=IwAR2C_0dZiLQiOZtK-UierR63IDaZiS8dTej92X-2-Q5-eQcqfMFU0ephcjY https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-grants-golan-heights-oil-license-2013-2 http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvtv.gob.ve%2Fdesvio-fondos-republica-opositores%2F https://www.rt.com/news/454901-russia-leave-venezuela-trump/ https://abcnews.go.com/Health/yorks-rockland-county-declares-measles-state-emergency-bans/story?id=61954053&cid=social_fb_abcn&fbclid=IwAR16YA7S0oh-38yYXbnXIAmOMBNwE-Za2AfXstRbj9bNaJA-oxXw7KxPbUI  


Transpicuous Views, POCKETNET decentralized social media

  Tonight I sat down to talk to Daniel Sachov from the new completely decentralized social media platform, POCKETNET.  Daniel gets into the making of POCKETNET, and the reasons why it had to happen now.  POCKETNET is a brilliant new social media platform on Blockchain technology.  It guarantees that there are no central servers to "control" information, no censoring, and NO WHALES!!!…