Greta’s FAKE Arrest… more bullshit to fool the masses

IT'S ALL AN ACT!!! All of these "climate change", and "Just stop Oil" "activists" arrests are ALL setup photo ops, all fake. These "activists" who are "protesting" various things like "climate change" "oil" and other situations with various agendas,  have been promoted by the main stream media so that governments have an excuse to enact EXTREME dictatorial laws to take away YOUR…


Solar Update: Multiple X-Class Flares!!

It would seem that the Sun has decided to start off the new year with a bang.  ...A few of them in fact. For the past 10 days or so, Sol has been very active, and luckily most of the bigger bangs have NOT been Earth facing.  The Solar face is dotted with several sunspots, three of which are quite large, magnetically…


Following the REAL science.

It's been a very long time since I've put out a written article, but this morning, after watching this video, I immediately knew that it was time to sit back down and start writing again. For the past almost 3 years, since the inception of the "pandemic" I've continuously cautioned people against falling for the latest news, the latest "reports" coming out…


The UnFuckIt Discussion , Dec 7 2022

  This weeks UnFuckIt Discussion from Dec 7th 2022.  We've talked for ages about the "distractions" and what is a distraction vs what are they distracting us from, and Wed night we dug back down into this topic as we take a good look at the latest financial information coming out.  


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Oct 26 2022

Welcome to the planet of insanity!!!  Political and financial bullshittery are definitely at their highest levels, and it seems that the only creepy crawlies that can be found are all in Parliament & Congress, instead of in our gardens.  No bugs on the windshields of our cars, or fertilizing our gardens is a main topic of discussion... and one that should clang…


Transformational Journey for Teens

For all my friends with teens who might be struggling at the moment... I'd like to introduce you to Lainie Liberti's  teen mentoring courses and Retreats!!! Our Teens and Young people are seriously struggling at the moment and sometimes as a parent, it's difficult to know how to help them.  I've known Lainie for years, and her Transformative Mentoring for Teens is…


UnFuckIt Special Discussion, Sept 4 2022

Last night our UnFucker's Members Chat was turned into an UnFuckIt Discussion that I'm putting out publicly... a L O T of shit has happened this week!!! There has been some interesting actions & announcements out of the Vatican in the past couple of weeks, and for me, a whole lot of dots are connecting.  Last night I laid out some of…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Sugust 31 2022

Welcome to the planet of Totally Fucked!  Where the people mean nothing compared to the virtue signaling of the government retards that do things like ban the sale of gas/petrol and diesel vehicles, and then tell people that they can't charge their electric cars.  Where morons like Boris make public statements about people having to chose between eating or being warm.  Where…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Aug 3 2022

World Civil War I What does a Global Revolution look like?  With everything we've seen and experienced over the past 2 years (cough *decade* cough), I think we can safely hypothesize that "THEY" are trying to push humanity into full on revolt.  Never before has humanity been inundated from all sides with the unbelievable gross fraud and corruption that we've been living…