Removing the Shackles: Spin Doctored History

Welcome to the newest show that I've just launched. This is the first half hour of "Removing the Shackles: Spin Doctored History" The entire show and discussion is available to members of and   I am part of the Archaix TV team with Jason Breshears, putting out regular videos on Archaix TV on the subject of Herbs, Health & History,…


Helping Ben After the Fire

Anyone who watches the UnFuckIt Discussion know's who Ben is- our crazy resident Kiwi living in Australia, who talks about so many subjects.....  If you watched Last weeks show, then you know that last Sunday, Ben's Laboratory and mycelium farm burned to the ground.  The fire raged through the building and destroyed all his lab equipment- including experiments that they were currently…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, May 10th 2023

Last night's UnFuckIt Discussion ranged all over the place, from the latest Biden bullshittery (video link below), to AI and social media outlets and the power contained in the realm of "influencers"... We are definitely living in "The Crazy Years".   Last weeks UnFuckIt Discussion article I embedded a pdf copy of the book that I discussed during the show, "The Botanic…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, April 12, 2023

Another crazy week in the world of chaos. I opened the show last night with a little Show & Tell: A medical recipe book from 1890's, and WHY these old books are so important!!! And of course we dug into all the latest insanity, like... peace in the Middle East?! Interesting times my darlins!!!  


Astrology 2.0: World Gone Crazy!

After a very VERY long hiatus due to scheduling and time zones,  Amina, Jules, and I finally got back together to take a look at the cyclical reality of our planets and stars and the absurd realm that we currently live in.  It's all Crazy!!  Unfortunately Meghan had no internet and wasn't able to join us today!! We're hoping to get back…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, March 22 2023

All the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn't put the global financial system together again! The cards are falling, the distractions are thick, and while the American government moons over woke rhetoric and doubles down on their lies and fraud, China is quietly building "peace" inroads across the Middle East & Ukraine.  Oh the transparency is so so in your…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, March 1 2023

It's been a crazy couple of weeks and we are definitely living in a mad Mad MAD world!  Between the sun blowing off and strong geomagnetic storms knocking us all sideways, the political bullshittery merry-go-round, and well.... just plain all around insanity, is it a wonder that some of us are hiding away from the world?  This week's UnFuckIt dug into the…


Greta’s FAKE Arrest… more bullshit to fool the masses

IT'S ALL AN ACT!!! All of these "climate change", and "Just stop Oil" "activists" arrests are ALL setup photo ops, all fake. These "activists" who are "protesting" various things like "climate change" "oil" and other situations with various agendas,  have been promoted by the main stream media so that governments have an excuse to enact EXTREME dictatorial laws to take away YOUR…


Solar Update: Multiple X-Class Flares!!

It would seem that the Sun has decided to start off the new year with a bang.  ...A few of them in fact. For the past 10 days or so, Sol has been very active, and luckily most of the bigger bangs have NOT been Earth facing.  The Solar face is dotted with several sunspots, three of which are quite large, magnetically…