EMF Frequencies and the effects on the whole body: new study

Ann Callaghan posted this article in the UnFuckers group this morning.  This, quite literally, is one of the most concisely written and well round reports on the dangers of EMF frequencies that we've read so far. I like to believe that Consciousness delivers to us the hints that put us on a path towards the next journey of comprehension, and that when…


The Agenda of “Gun Control”: lest we forget…

  Another school shooting....  and yet another highly questionable event, that has more holes in the story line than a block of swiss cheese.  But the same screams ring out- just as they always do. Just as they are meant to:   GUN CONTROL!!! I am not American, so I don't have any skin in this game, but it baffles my brain…


Misdiagnosis, Prenatal testing & Abortion: what you’re not told

  A horribly emotional story with a happy ending- a healthy baby. Defiant mum refuses abortion pressure after misdiagnosis Abortion offered at every appointment “Can we stop talking about terminating and focus on the pregnancy?” we would ask. I always thought that after 20 weeks you couldn’t do termination. But my obstetrician said, no, no. You can terminate pregnancy at 37 weeks…


What is “Real”?

  This video was sent to me earlier this week, and I finally had a moment to review it. In a world where technology is leaping forward seemingly  at light speed, we are seeing "new" alterations to what we perceive as "reality". I talk quite a bit during shows about literal changes to "reality" that are being seen constantly, but this is…


Reading between the lines of the anti-crypto propaganda

We've witnessed almost two months of soap opera-esque main stream media circus bullshit about bitcoin and cryptos, that anyone with a brain cell has been able to clearly see through.  South Korea is banning cryptos..... well actually, no they are not.  India is banning cryptos.... yea, not really....  One after another, news stories have been plastered across the internet in a obvious…


Elon, Falcon X, Mars…. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence….

So, Elon Musk has launched the Falcon Heavy on its way to Mars I mean.... who doesn't love a convertible with an astronaut in the drivers seat, in front of a "Don't Panic" sign on the dash, floating through space?  Seriously funny (though questionable) stuff!! but..... BUT .... BUT.... (yea I've always got a "but" to follow statements like that, lol).... I…


Viruses Raining down from the Sky…. new study, lol.

  This article just published on RT screamed to be posted here in Full. "VIRUSES FALLING FOR THE SKY IN THEIR BILLIONS EVERY DAY" This my friends, is called scrambling to find an excuse for the facts that people are figuring out regardless of the silence by the media and government agencies (in public)-  about Chemtrails and aerial spraying of "vaccines", the…


UnFuckIt Discussion: Jan 28 2018

Last night we kick backed and had an UnFuckIt discussion- talked about the latest interview with Clif High and his major data bomb drops this week on Transpicuous Views- oh there is so much more to these topics!!  I also discussed my move over to Steemit, and gave a bit of background on Steemit and my very limited comprehension of how it…


RTS/UnFuckers Update- Jan 28 2018

...We knew it was bad..... But we discovered yesterday just HOW bad the damage was. So as you all know, in December the server that hosts RTS Earth (and all of my other sites and JC's sites) completely crashed, and we lost all of our RTS Earth data from Aug 15- end of December, when our hosting site moved us over to…


Transpicuous Views Jan 25 2018: Clif High- the deep woo

Last night was a special edition of Transpicuous Views.  I sat down with Clif High for a "Deep Woo Woo" discussion. Clif started the conversation off with the introduction of the idea of "Universal Internet" using quantum entangled particles to create instantaneous communication that is wireless and frequency-less, and  where that technology could take us in the near future.  From that point…

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