Transpicuous Views July 2 2017: The Exhaustive State of Blah

Blah.  Blah blah blah blah.  Exhausted and just Blah.  That seems to be the common consensus of this past month.  Too tired, too bored, too mind-numb to do anything. Last night's Transpicuous Views was a perfect example of that, that after an hour of discussing all that I had planned to talk about- timeloops, the repeating cycles, etc......  there was nothing anyone…


What Time is it this Time?

    HOLY SHIT!!!! This post just came up in UU AGAIN!! this is the second time it's been "bumped" or brought forward since the origina post in dec 2016!!! it also reappeared last month as well!!  Here is the link for the Facebook unfuckers  but I will post the contents of the Facebook post that are relevant below   NOTE…


UnFuckIt June 28th 2017, with Randy Maugans

I don't usually make our UnFuckIt discussions "public", but last nights chat with Randy Maugans, from Off Planet Radio, was an exceptional one.  Last night Randy and I and the UnFuckers dug into the whole "2013 loop" question, and really took a look at what we are seeing and sensing is going on around us, not just now in this moment, but…


11 Dimensions of the Human Brain

Very very interesting article about mapping the human brain, and seeing up to 11 dimensions in some areas.   Also interesting..... the Blue Brain Project is based in Geneva Switzerland.... a whole 4kms away from CERN.    Interesting.   d   The Human Brain Can Create Structures in Up to 11 Dimensions "We found a world that we had never imagined."  SIGNE…


Aliens, Anonymous, and the Army?

... Space, the Final Frontier..... But seriously, WTF is actually going on here?  I find the timing very interesting to say the least.   d     First This: Anonymous believes NASA is poised to announce discovery of aliens (VIDEO) Published time: 24 Jun, 2017 18:19 Get short URL © Global Look Press   13.5K Hacking collective Anonymous claims US space agency…


Transpicuous Views June 25 2017: Loops & Cycles

Further to, and hugely expanding on last weeks Transpicuous Views show and the UnFuckIt Discussion.... Did we just "loop"?  Are we, on some strange level, looped back to 2013?   Today's TV show we dig into this discussion about "Loops" and "Cycles" and the experiences that many people have had, and are having right now, that coincide with events of 2013.  There…


Controlling “Normal”: Programmed to Obey

Control, Control, Control.  It's not just about the ridiculous "Laws" that are being created to take away your Rights & Freedoms, but the controlling of society so that the people control the people through the use of media, social media, public opinion, your neighbors, teachers, family and friends. "Normal" is what everyone is programmed to want to attain:  a "Normal life".  And…


The Soul that Chains the Spirit?

This is an older article by Tom Montalk from 2009.  I'd actually read this many years ago and just this morning it was posted in the UU group and I read through it again, but from a different perspective this time. We've talked for years now about the "Bots" or "Backdrop People", and the sociopaths/psychopaths that seem to be in all positions…


US Bill to Ban Cash, Currency and Bitcoin

This was the very first article I read this morning when I woke up after last night Transpicuous Views Show.  Further to our conversation about the attempt to ban cash and move to a cashless society.... this bomb shell drops: You won’t believe this stupid new law against Cash and Bitcoin Simon Black June 14, 2017 Manila, Philippines This one is almost…