UnFuckIt Discussion: December 26 2018

Oh the Insanity!!!  The complete lunacy and absurdity of this reality... I do NOT consent. d   http://rts.earth/2018/12/being-prepared-for-anything-re-edited-dec-2018/   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq6UxVNtl0Q&feature=youtu.be  I do not usually release our aftershow discussions publicly- they are only available to our private members, but this week we got into some VERY interesting discussions after the main show ended! I will add the "Aftershow discussion" to this article once…


UnFuckIt Discussion: Dec 12 2018

To Protest or not to Protest.... is it really a question? France has set Europe on fire.  The "Yellow Vest" movement has already spread to Belgium, Netherlands, and Sweden... and is purported to be moving into Portugal, Spain, and Germany next.  Canada?  Well..... it's there, but has it already been coopted into a specific spin?  Time for UnFuckers everywhere to get involved,…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Dec 5th 2018

  I should open these discussions just holding a big sign that says "WTAF?!" Insanity is the new norm.  CERN had an "oopsie" on Tuesday- we have no idea what happened and they ain't sayin' nuthin'. Earths Magnetosphere has been insane to watch with our planet taking hit after hit.... and it's not "solar" in origin.  We also dug into the topic…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Nov 28th 2018

  It almost didn't happen, but things sorted themselves out and we got together for an UnFuckIT discussion afterall- and it was an awesome chat!!  WTF is going on in the world? Earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, blizzards, geomagnetic anomalies, giant waves, blinding headaches, body pains, massive personal mandela/WTF effects, reality changing weekly......  No seriously.... WTF>? We also dug into the topic of "AI"…


UnFuckIt Discussion Nov 7 2018

Oh the discussions last night were epic!  We opened up with the question:  WTF happened on Monday/Tuesday this week, 'cause we are definitely not in Kansas any more, and it feels like we've shifted/flipped/looped/jumped to yet another timeline/reality again.  On the table last night: shifting timelines, pole flips, China's empty cities, geological/climate changes, and several other topics. d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXA6hBotl_s&feature=youtu.be     The…


UnFuckIt Discussion- Oct 17 2018

Last night the UnFuckers dug into some seriously intense discussions, so much so that while the live feed ended after two hours, we kept on going for almost another hour and a half after that! (the after show discussion will be released in a separate members only video). The main stream media has picked up the "NPC" concept and twisted the narrative…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Oct 10th 2018

The UnFuckIt Discussion last night opened up with a typical D-Rant, this time about the alternative media, the programmed diversionary and division tactics that so many "Truthers" and "awake" people are falling for, hook, line & sinker... and the setting up of "story-lines" in Antarctica. Great discussion with so many UnFuckers bringing excellent points to the table to be looked at. d…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Oct 3 2018

A brilliant discussion last night with the UnFuckers, centered mostly around health and healing, the quantum effect of consciousness and "intent", C60 fullerenes and the interview with Anthony Peake talking about "buckyballs" and the double slit experiment (ground breaking research- video below!), and healing modalities and removing our self/ego and allowing energy and healing to flow where it's needed without directing it. …


UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 26th 2018

  Last night's UnFuckIt Discussion opened with several tech issues, lol- which seems to the the norm these days- so the first 12 minutes of the live stream was not recorded. d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7if8vK4v7ns&feature=youtu.be   Deleted Scene from the Movie Dogma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlvWu3s_ImY