RTS: The biggest Mandela Effect Ever?!?

Good morning my darlins!  Last Sunday during our latest UnFuckers Members Chat, I  discussed a Mandela Effect that I had just discovered ...that literally blew my mind!!!  I'm still kinda reeling from this one, because the legal ramifications are pretty damn HUGE!! So that Magna Carta document that everyone in the "Freedom" & "Truther" type groups has been going on and on…


Wellness Naturally: Adrenal Fatigue, Jan 216 2024

Wellness Naturally: Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms- low energy, irritability, poor sleep, salt cravings, dizziness when changing positions or hormonal issues- you may have adrenal burnout. MANY of us are experiencing this issue right now. Tuesday night Ann Callaghan, Dr Cori Stern and Dani McKenny discussed the causes of Adrenal Fatigue, and how to support and heal yourself... and breaking pattern!


The UnFuckIt Discussion. Jan 9 2024

Well the distractions are coming in thick eh?  From Aliens in Miami, to tunnels in New York, to Epstein's "missing death certificate".... yes yes.... lots of distractions going on, and so many things being ignored.  Welcome to 2024 Everyone!     LINKS: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12948695/hikers-capture-footage-ten-ft-aliens-brazil.html?fbclid=IwAR2TpmLbLuEwnaURnOHkFf5fw54qIXWvM12zSm5G9j2YP1bpx80Ob3BI9Tc https://twitter.com/clif_high/status/1744733864676008439?fbclid=IwAR1gkol28hT0A2Wk10A6m7AsL6RtExMdJzIGdEmOGZ-Mw7gDrazMt6XZ_Eo https://youtu.be/7bns_WhNAQM?si=vbPp_uNQvuum928b  


The First UnFuckIt Discussion of 2024

Happy New Year (?) my friends! So we started off tonight wondering about the distractions that are about to be played out, since Epsteins client list has been released... could get very interesting out there!!  From Japan's massive 7.2 earthquake New Years Day - followed by two jets colliding on the runway the next day (I mean seriously.... how does two massive…


RTS: Dani on Circle of White Light Radio, Dec 18 2023

Good evening my darlins!  This afternoon I was on Circle of White Light Radio with Alan James.  We talked about the effects of solar events on biology- meaning us- and the importance of taking time to look after ourselves: put you own oxygen mask on first!  We also dipped our toes into the woo for a while too! love d   https://rumble.com/embed/v3zdhgh/?pub=4


RTS: Being Prepared….for 2025

It's been a long time since I've put out a recording like this, but the information and the dots that connected in my head pushed me to put together this report. 2025.... is fast approaching.  We've had multiple warnings about this specific year, and all of a sudden it's looming right in front of us.   The WEF'ers are telling us that it's…


Wellness Naturally: Colds & Flus, Nov 25th 2023

On Saturday November 25 2023, Ann Callaghan, Dr Cori Stern, and Dani Arnold officially launched our new show: Wellness Naturally! This episode we discussed a very timely topic: Colds & Flus.  From the "first aid" aspects of dealing with colds and flus, we also discussed HOW to stay WELL, and boost our immune systems to lessen symptoms at the very least, and…


UnFuckers & Archaix: Chat with Jason & Dani

Last Saturday night our UnFuckers members got together with the Archaix TV members to have a pow wow with Jason and I.  We had a brilliant discussion and dug into some very interesting details about this simulation and the history that they'd like us all to "forget".... and of course the sneaky ways that they've tried to change and distract us from…