Transpicuous News Geomagnetic Update, Jan 24th 2019

  Well yesterday was certainly interesting for a lot of people!! We saw some wild geomagnetic stuff happening all day yesterday, but especially at 20:00/8pm UTC (2pm EST).  In this geomagnetic update, I show the last 36 hours or so in our magnetosphere and solar wind speed velocities, but I also pull up feeds from January 6th 2015 to show a comparison. …


Transpicuous News Jan 19 where the wind blows

  Sorry for the delay darlins.  Today we're taking yet another look at the geomagnetic fields of Earth and our magnetosphere- Jan 17th was an interesting day my friends!! Please go over to Twitch.TV and "follow" our channel so that you can watch our LIVE stream shows and get notifications!   Earlier this month Mark Elkin put out an excellent article…


UnFuckIt Discussion Jan 16 2019

Fabulous discussion last night!  I was in a really bad mood when we started, after having a miserable day, but by the end, I felt so much better!!  My UnFucker Family Rocks! The UnFuckIt discussion is LIVE Streamed every Wednesday on Twitch TV- please go register at twitch and "follow" our channel to receive notifications of every show! d


UnFuckIt Discussion: the Eurasian edition!

Today was the first UnFuckIt Discussion that we have had during my daytime/zone!  Once a month we will be doing a weekend "Eurasian" UnFuckIt discussion so that those of us over on this side of the world can be actually wide awake for our chat, lol! Today we talked a lot about the geomagnetics of Earth and the current place we seem…


Transpicuous News update: Magnetic North Pole is now in Siberia

  Further to our conversation about the Magnetic North Pole very rapidly moving across the Arctic, I commented in the UnFuckers group that in late 2017 a friend of mine, Ihor, had sent me a Russian science article that outlined that the magnetic north pole was no longer anywhere near where they are telling us it is, and that it was already…


Transpicuous News Jan 12 2019: we need a new measuring stick

  Transpicuous News for Jan 12 2019 and we are yet again looking at the magnetosphere for the past 48 hours.  The "blasts" are amping up and from 8pm UTC till 8am this morning the magnetosphere was in a constant barrage of energy hitting our planet. As I mentioned in the video, I highly recommend that everyone take an hour and watch…


UnFuckers UnFucking Get Together

This Sunday will be the first UnFuckers Gathering (online) in my daytime hours!! Once a month- to start- we will have an unfuckers chat, in Zoom (for members) and LIVE Streamed on Twitch, during European daytime/Australia evening time zones... to give us a chance to reach out to everyone who can't be part of the usual UnFuckIT discussions because it's too late…


Well that was a trip…

I have to thank all the members for their patience during this impossible recovery. Almost all issues that could have erupted, did. Including a messed up database that had to be repaired line by line, manually. I hope it's all fixed, but I doubt it. If you find something. Please let me know. John.


Beta System menu

As you may already be aware, there is a new menu item labeled "Beta System". This contains links to a new Social Community system we are testing. It is currently really plain and sparse, but as we get to each section, that will certainly change. Feel free to dig around and have a look at what is in there... Add some content…