UnFuckIt Discussion Aug 21 2019

I opened up last nights UnFuckIt discussion giving a geomagnetic update, and talking about the wildfires that are blazing around the world at the moment.  A good portion of last nights discussion revolved around the topic of "community" and the current "feeling" that it seems a lot of people are getting: get out of the cities and into the countryside!  I'd like…


Transpicuous Views with Alan James

  Transpicuous Views August 7th 2019, with Alan James from Open Your Mind Radio, and Circle of White Light Radio Last night I had Alan James on with us live, and we had a great conversation about a ton of topics. Alan's opening commends about beliefs and having a "fluid belief system" really hit home, and I highly recommend watching his videos…


UnFuckIt Discussion July 31 2019- Prepping for whatever comes our way

Last night's UnFuckIt Discussion wasn't live streamed and we had a more laid back conversation about "Prepping".  My gut instincts have been telling me for the past few months that it's time to get back into "prepper mode", and not just because of an impending "massive disaster" either. We are seeing power black outs, smaller localized "disasters" that are causing food crop…


Transpicuous News Geomagnetic Update, July 24th 2019

Last night, before the UnFuckIt Discussion, I did a Geomagnetic update to talk about the crazy events seen July 21 at 2200 that continued into almost the entire day of the 22nd.  As I show on the video, this event was not "solar winds", "CMEs" or "solar flares", and was picked up on several different graphs.  And Nope.... don't have a clue…


UnFuckIt Discussion July 24 2019

Last night on the UnFuckIt discussion Ben Grosse joined us to discuss his latest work down under with the local "mobs", and discusses ceremonial burning of the land- how it's done properly, and the healing actions of doing a proper "cold" burn vs wild hot burns that are normally done.  Ben also mentions "Dreamtime" work, and earlier yesterday he posted a link…


Deep Immersion July 17: Jeff Gates, Emily Moyer and Dani

Deep Immersion with Jeff Gates, Emily Moyer and myself.  As usual, when we get this group together, you never know what topics will get tossed onto the table, and last nights discussion definitely didn't disappoint! A great conversation about the "narratives" that people hold onto, and how to break free from the "story lines", quantum consciousness, and of course a big dose…


Earth’s Magnetic field is changing “dangerously”

  I want to direct everyone's attention to this excellent video put out by Evolutionary Energy Arts This video does an excellent job of connecting the dots of all the recent events and really puts into perspective the moves by US Congress to try and label these events as "hacking" (by Russia or Iran, lol), when anyone who follows my work knows…


Transpicuous News Geomagnetic update: July 13 2019

  This morning I recorded a short geomagnetic update on the current stuff going on around our planets magnetosphere and magnetopause. I also put out a response to the Suspicious Observers video that Ben put out last night (below), and derisive commentary he made towards anyone using the iSWA tools in their videos.  All the links to most of the various tools…


UnFuckIt Discussion, July 10 2019

This was one of our most random discussions in ages!! We started off talking about the geomagnetic anomalies going on and slid into continuing our discussion from Sunday night about alternate universes, parallel dimensions, multiple timelines.... and somehow ended up talking about cars and appliances breaking down and Mercury in Retrograde, and how we all love the old "stuff" better, lol! NOTE:…


Transpicuous News Geomagnetic Update July 10 2019

The Geomagnetic Insanity continues. ...   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxPBSeaOaZs&feature=youtu.be     http://solarham.net/ http://spaceweather.com/ https://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/IswaSystemWebApp/?fbclid=IwAR0bNTdH7F7SqzlkOnAuaz_E1n_RNVYDTa1E3Z1m9Zx7NnNN0AAN5B5r5wk https://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplot.php?virtual_network=GSN&fbclid=IwAR0mzZ9akeCWVzzq7OFvLvKZIZFkS-9C6UkktaUO10l6ua-n1fzTeQ_6YAw https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/ https://tesis.lebedev.ru/en/magnetic_storms.html https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fsosrff.tsu.ru%2F%3Fpage_id%3D7&sandbox=1