Off Planet Radio, Nov 11 2018

  Yesterday Randy Maugans did a live show on Off Planet Radio with Thomas Williams and Kim of the Manna World Trust.  While I missed most of the first hour, the second hour had some VERY interesting pieces in it.  As usual, use your own discernment. From the YouTube page: Special edition live show for 11-11-18 with Thomas Williams and Kim of the…


UnFuckers Movie: AVATAR- extended edition

Last night we watched the extended edition of the movie Avatar- which includes deleted scenes that are vital to really getting the back ground of the movie!  If you've seen Avatar, then no doubt you experienced the heart wrenching sadness, guilt, and anger towards "humans" by the end of the movie.... but what if this isn't a movie about the atrocities committed…


UnFuckIt Discussion Nov 7 2018

Oh the discussions last night were epic!  We opened up with the question:  WTF happened on Monday/Tuesday this week, 'cause we are definitely not in Kansas any more, and it feels like we've shifted/flipped/looped/jumped to yet another timeline/reality again.  On the table last night: shifting timelines, pole flips, China's empty cities, geological/climate changes, and several other topics. d     The…


UnFuckers Movie night: Dune

Last night the UnFuckers got together to watch an extended version of the classic Sci-Fi movie "Dune".  The Author of the "Dune" series of books, Frank Herbert, has created a unique universe with over 10,000 years of back history, politics, religion, prophecies, and economic structure.  This first book/movie looks at the prophecy of the "chosen one"- the usual savior meme, with a…


Transpicuous Views Oct 26 2018- Dani & Ann

  Ann Callaghan and I sat down to have a chat today... I'm very glad that I was recording! We discussed several topics, including: the younger generations and their "disconnection" from what is going on, the idea that this isn't the first time this "event" has been attempted, and the overwhelming programming of polarities and defensive mechanisms. d  


UnFucker Movie: Matrix Revolution

Last night the UnFuckers watched the final move of the Matrix Trilogy- Matrix Revolutions.  Again there are some very interesting pieces within the movie, especially when you watch it with a fresh perspective.  One of the most interesting parts is the final conversation between the Oracal and the Architect at the very end of the movie: Oracal: What about the others? The…


C60 Fullerenes Presentation, Oct 18 2018

Last night Gaea's Garden hosted a live video presentation on the topic of C60 fullerenes and updates on our latest C60 Product launches. After the presentation, we opened the floor for an extensive Q&A session and I was joined by a good friend and C60 Researcher, Phillip, to discuss the latest information and research, to answer questions from the audience, and to…


UnFuckIt Discussion- Oct 17 2018

Last night the UnFuckers dug into some seriously intense discussions, so much so that while the live feed ended after two hours, we kept on going for almost another hour and a half after that! (the after show discussion will be released in a separate members only video). The main stream media has picked up the "NPC" concept and twisted the narrative…