UnFuckIt Discussion May 15 2019

What a wild wild week!  Extreme geomagnetic and cosmic fuckery- and the agencies are doing their best to block the info from the public.  Extreme political fuckery. Extreme weather fuckery.  Extreme emotional, physical, mental fuckery..... Seriously, what reality is this shit?  And if it's real at all, what is the distraction?           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc6Nk6I59_w&feature=youtu.be  


UnFuckers Chat after Fringe, March 31 2019

After watching Fringe last night, the UnFuckers hung out and got into some pretty deep conversations about the entities that control this reality- really deep woo on this.  We talked about my major WTF Effect that happened to me on Friday, where again, it seems I've dropped into another reality/timeline, and a pretty deep discussion on not just the nature of our…


Transpicuous Views Aug 1 2018 After show discussion

After last nights Transpicuous Views episode, "Facts vs Fiction: two sides to every story" I sat with our live audience and we dug into a whole lot of topics and really had a very interesting and fantastic discussion. d   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyhREhkzdU4&feature=youtu.be Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to Earth’s Surface: Human and Environmental Health Implications- PDF uvc2 "The CHANI Project" from NEXUS…


UnFuckIt Discussion: April 25 2018

  Last nights UnFuckIt discussion kicked off with me discussing the INSANITY of this past week- not just in the world in general, but in my own personal realm of experience.  Are we living in a computer simulation?  An artificial construct?  And if so, who's the man behind the curtain?  We got into some pretty deep and wildly theoretical conversations!! d  …


UnFuckIt Discussion: What IS this Reality?

Last night's UnFuckIt Discussion was awesome and illuminating and invigorating.  We discussed the question:  What IS this reality we are living in?  And opened the floor to all the aspects, all the questions, all the theories.  From "They Truman Show", to "The Matrix", to "Dark City".  Is it a physical construct?  A computer simulation?  A hologram?  A petri dish? Or is it…


Transpicuous Views May 14 2017, with Dr. Tarrin Lupo

SORRY DARLINS- MINOR(MAJOR) TECHNICAL ERROR- UPLOADING THE VIDEO AGAIN NOW...... I'LL REPUBLISH IT AS SOON AS IT'S READY D     On Transpicuous Views last night, I was joined by Dr. Tarrin Lupo in a continuation of our epic discussion that started the previous evening when I was invited onto his show "Tarrin it up", (link below). Tarrin and I took an…


“Tarrin it Up”: Dr. Tarrin Lupo with dani arnold mckenny

  Last night, I had the privilege of being on "Tarrin it up" with Dr. Tarrin Lupo.  It was a fantastic fast paced conversation that dug deep into multiple subjects including the dangers of vaccines, the role of inflammation in disease and illness, chemtrails, genetic modifications on humans, homeschooling....and we even managed to talk about the Mandela Effect for about 5 minutes…


Transpicuous Views: The Matrix Construct, with Randy Maugans

In This episode of Transpicuous View I have Randy Maugans, from Off Planet Radio with me to discuss "The Construct". We look through several theories from the idea of a computer simulation/hologram, to an actual physical construct, using the "Mandela Effect" (Toto Effect/ WTF Effect) as the benchmark, or physical "symptom", if you will, that we are not in Kansas any more!!…

Read more about the article Transpicuous Views: The Matrix Construct, with Randy Maugans
TV April 16 2017, Dani with Randy Maugans