Transpicuous News Dec 3 2018- That was NOT a “geomagnetic” storm!

Sooooo..... All Those "Northern Lights" in Norway.... wasn't caused by a "Geomagnetic" Storm, because there wasn't one.  Or if there was.... NASA etal are hiding it.  The questions are: if there was no "geomagnetic" storm, what DID cause all those northern lights?  Why is the Magnetosphere live graph conveniently cut off during the time of those northern lights?  And if there WAS…


Iran…. now connect the dots!

As I just said in the article I published a few minutes ago, the insanity of the anti-Iran agenda has reached epic proportions. Next Level of Insanity: Iran responsible for 9/11 The Insanity Award of the week so far goes to some ridiculous American Judge who has just decided that Iran is responsible for the (completely false flag) attacks of 9/11!! I…


Next Level of Insanity: Iran responsible for 9/11

  The Insanity Award of the week so far goes to some ridiculous American Judge who has just decided that Iran is responsible for the (completely false flag) attacks of 9/11!!  I seriously cannot make this shit up! US judge orders Iran to pay billions to families of 9/11 victims Tehran has been ordered by a US court to pay more than…


Australia: New type of poverty hurting middle class…. created BY the banks

I am continuously talking about "Transparency" and in the latest UnFuckIt Discussion I said that we are now seeing transparency, through the Main Stream Media, unlike anything we've ever witnessed before.  This article from The Sydney Herald is a screaming clarion of transparency, not just for Australia, but for the entire world. Short story:  The Banks in Australia are deliberately coming up…


Apple will give mega payout to shareholders…

  Announced just this morning, Apple may make a Massive $400 Billion Shareholder Payout To Offset iPhone Disappointment. Now doesn't that just make you feel all warm and cozy all over? Apple's iPhone X sales woes have been extensively documented in recent days (most recently in "Doubts Grow At Apple" That A $1,000 Smartphone May Not Have Been A Winning Idea"), and with…


TN Breaking News: US, UK and France Bomb Syria

We are watching a repeat, yet again of the same template that has been used as an excuse for war over and over again.  But this time it's slightly different and that comes in the words being used in the Main Stream Media. Breaking news as I woke up this morning that the US, UK and France have bombed several places in…


Transpicuous News: The air you’re breathing- Hydrogen Sulfide

The beginnings of this investigation started back on April 5th, when I read about a "new study" in "Solar Geoengineering".  The article fully outs the "Chemtrail" industry and leaves no shadow of a doubt about what "they" are doing.  I quickly pulled together an article to discuss "new study" that same evening: Covering Earth with a “SunShade”: Solar Geoengineering Fast forward a…


Transpicuous News April 4th 2018: Theories of Space & Reality?

  During last nights UnFuckIt discussion, I pulled out 3 different new stories on the subjects of "Space" and "redefining reality".... the language used is VERY interesting!!! To attend the UnFuckIt Discussions, or be part of the Zoom Audience during shows, Please sign up to be an UnFuckers Unite! Private member!! d   Links from this TN Episode:…