Free Money? Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts: Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences

This is an excellent rundown of the background information and great overview of what's going on right now, with people scrambling to "access their value" via Treasury Direct and Federal Reserve accounts.  Justin, from Stillness in the Storm (SITS) lays this out in a comprehensive and very easy to comprehend write up. If you are looking for more information about these subjects,…


Emergence Theory, Consciousness & the Quantum Entangled Simulation

This is an excellent video that was sent to me today and perfectly meshes with some of the subjects I've been talking about for the past few years/months/weeks/whatevers.  Yes.... we're going back down the Physics Rabbit Hole!! While the information discussed in the video, and the article excepts below, may contain different descriptive words/concepts than what we've been using to try and…


Together we’ll cross the river

"The Humbling River" Braved the forests, braved the stone Braved the icy winds and fire Braved and beat them on my own Yet I'm helpless by the river Angel, angel, what have I done? I've faced the quakes, the wind, the fire I've conquered country, crown, and throne Why can't I cross this river? Angel, angel, what have I done? I've faced…


Declaration of Non-Consent

  My Declaration of Notice, and Declaration of Non-Consent is written and spoken with MY Intent. My Intent is the ONLY power/energy/intent/law/declaration that is valid for MY BEING.  I Speak and Write from MY Intent and no Interpretations of MY intent are valid nor have any power/energy/counter intent/jurisdiction/legal validity/ability to counter in any way, shape or form, MY INTENT.    DECLARATION of NOTICE YOU have…


What Time is it this Time?

    HOLY SHIT!!!! This post just came up in UU AGAIN!! this is the second time it's been "bumped" or brought forward since the origina post in dec 2016!!! it also reappeared last month as well!!  Here is the link for the Facebook unfuckers  but I will post the contents of the Facebook post that are relevant below   NOTE…


11 Dimensions of the Human Brain

Very very interesting article about mapping the human brain, and seeing up to 11 dimensions in some areas.   Also interesting..... the Blue Brain Project is based in Geneva Switzerland.... a whole 4kms away from CERN.    Interesting.   d   The Human Brain Can Create Structures in Up to 11 Dimensions "We found a world that we had never imagined."  SIGNE…


Aliens, Anonymous, and the Army?

... Space, the Final Frontier..... But seriously, WTF is actually going on here?  I find the timing very interesting to say the least.   d     First This: Anonymous believes NASA is poised to announce discovery of aliens (VIDEO) Published time: 24 Jun, 2017 18:19 Get short URL © Global Look Press   13.5K Hacking collective Anonymous claims US space agency…


Controlling “Normal”: Programmed to Obey

Control, Control, Control.  It's not just about the ridiculous "Laws" that are being created to take away your Rights & Freedoms, but the controlling of society so that the people control the people through the use of media, social media, public opinion, your neighbors, teachers, family and friends. "Normal" is what everyone is programmed to want to attain:  a "Normal life".  And…