UnFuckIt Discussion: Jan 28 2018

Last night we kick backed and had an UnFuckIt discussion- talked about the latest interview with Clif High and his major data bomb drops this week on Transpicuous Views- oh there is so much more to these topics!!  I also discussed my move over to Steemit, and gave a bit of background on Steemit and my very limited comprehension of how it…


RTS: Flying Dreams….

We keep waiting for someone to come along and fix it all for us.  We (the quintessential third person "we") keep waiting for someone to "fix" the financial bullshit, to fix the energy/power bullshit, to make us flying cars etc... ... and as we keep saying, we have to stop waiting for someone else and just do it ourselves!  Here's an UnFucker…


RTS Update Jan 17th 2018

Good morning darlins :D JC and I have been hard at work on RTS Earth's website. At the moment we have the layout almost perfect, though we are dealing with a couple of error codes on the home page (you'll see the formatting for the auto-feed of posts is a disaster), and in the category pages for TN, TV, etc, are not…


Transpicuous News Jan 16 2018: Extortion, Kidnapping and Missiles that never flew

What do Extortion, Kidnapping and make believe Missile launches have in common?  They are all in the main stream government playbook called "How to keep your pockets full and fool the public at the same time". It's a little bit crazy out there folks!!!  Hang onto your hats!   d       Links for this episode of Transpicuous News: https://www.rt.com/business/415979-prince-alwaleed-highest-security-prison/ https://www.rt.com/business/330857-saudia-arabia-oil-austerity/…


Time to Renovate!!!!

  Well darlins, I'm working on RTS Earth right now, and slogging through the mess.  I will have to remove the "wall" and maybe the groups as well, as I am trying to clean up a bunch of stuff.  So I'm just letting everyone know that the site may get all wonky this week and various places may not be available.   By…


Transpicuous Views: It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…. Nibiru?

Over the past couple of years we've seen some weird shit in our skies.  Conversations and theories and perspectives abound when it comes to something that we have no definitive answer for.  One of the most contentious and argued over "theories" is the one called "Nibiru".  What is "Nibiru" really?  And is that what we are seeing in our sky?  The Short…


Transpicuous News Jan 14 2018: Hawaii told to kiss it’s ass goodbye

With Hawaii's mass text of imminent disaster shocking and outraging people, my immediate response was to look in the opposite direction.  Just what else is going on that they needed a major distraction.... .....or was it really a "distraction"?     Hawaii texts everyone in the state: Missile heading straight at you bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. - sent at…


Deep Immersion Jan 7 2018, episode 1

EDITED 5:03pm CET:  Sorry darlins I had to pull the video down for a bit to make a slight edit. all fixed now :D d This is the first of what we hope will be many more discussions. We've decided to call these exchanges "Deep Immersions": An open conversation and sharing of thoughts and ideas. This episode features Emily Moyer, Jeff Gates,…