Review of the Basics: Everything You Need to Know about “money” & “governments” Re-edited 2018

It's the end of 2018 (?) and I use to always post "Reviews" of some of the basic knowledge that people should have a comprehension of.  This article was originally published back in Dec 2013 on my original "Removing the Shackles" website.  I brushed it off this morning when one of the UnFuckers asked a question to the group about "money" and…


Transpicuous Views Nov 18: Beware the DEW Trap

Last night, after the UnFucker Movie (Valerian), I brought up the subject of the wild fires in California and we discussed the "distraction" in the alt-media to coerce everyone into a single narrative, ie: The California forest fires are caused by DEW weapons and are trying to clear the land for a new railroad line.   (video below) It's very apparent that most…


WTF just hit Earth?

Edited additions at the bottom of the article. Ok my friends, this is epic insanity.  Last night this video was posted in the UnFuckers group, which shows the Earth's Magnetopause getting absolutely hammered.  This isn't about just a simple "magnetic storm" or "CME" hitting our planet... The magnetic lines in the live Magnetopause are literally smashed in a way that I've rarely…


Off Planet Radio, Nov 11 2018

  Yesterday Randy Maugans did a live show on Off Planet Radio with Thomas Williams and Kim of the Manna World Trust.  While I missed most of the first hour, the second hour had some VERY interesting pieces in it.  As usual, use your own discernment. From the YouTube page: Special edition live show for 11-11-18 with Thomas Williams and Kim of the…


C60 Fullerenes Presentation, Oct 18 2018

Last night Gaea's Garden hosted a live video presentation on the topic of C60 fullerenes and updates on our latest C60 Product launches. After the presentation, we opened the floor for an extensive Q&A session and I was joined by a good friend and C60 Researcher, Phillip, to discuss the latest information and research, to answer questions from the audience, and to…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 19 2018: Reset?

A few interesting article came up lately.... I'm wondering just what kind of a "reset" they may be planning....  We talked about a lot of different things last night. d    


The Fires that Burn- agenda 21? I don’t think so….

My friends, not everything is "Agenda 21". As I spoke about in a Transpicuous Views show earlier this month, we've been programmed to throw everything into this one basket- it's the catch all response to why anything bad is happening. We've fallen into a pattern of blaming everything on something. Like I said during the show, 3 years ago everything was CERNs…


C60 Q&A: introduction

On Wednesday night, I hosted a Question & Answer discussion with our private members, to discuss C60, the research, dosing, applications and to take questions from members. This is the short intro version of the Discussion. If you would like to watch the entire 1:45 video, please register at:  or dani  


UnFuckers Movie Night: A Wrinkle in Time

  Last night's UnFuckers Movie was "A Wrinkle in Time". While it was difficult to ignore the horrifically bad makeup, lol, the movie delves into some interesting subjects, such as folding space/time, and the "IT" (AI Virus?) that looked a whole lot like Cthulhu tentacled black goo who's objective is to infect everyone with "the dark". .... Side note: if you loved…