Last night, after the UnFucker Movie (Valerian), I brought up the subject of the wild fires in California and we discussed the “distraction” in the alt-media to coerce everyone into a single narrative, ie: The California forest fires are caused by DEW weapons and are trying to clear the land for a new railroad line. (video below)
It’s very apparent that most people really do not comprehend electromagnetics, electrostatic energy, and the relationship between these subjects and Lightning, ground lightning/plasma discharges, and Earthquakes. I pulled together some basic information about how grounding rods work (and how they DON’T work many times), and lightning and electrostatic discharges below.
It is important for people to really comprehend how electrical and magnetic fields work and the actions/reaction/interaction between the two. Right now, we are literally experiencing a barrage of fucked up magnetics, and energies that are causing/affecting massive magnetic and electrical fluxes across our planet. We are also experiencing a huge amount of cosmic rays/particles bombarding our planet, and we have no idea what the effects of that are – I talk about this a bit more in the article I put out last week: “WTF just hit Earth?”
So first off, this is information about lightning, electromagnetic energy, electrostatic energy and Grounding (houses and buildings for example).
“Bolts of lightning comprise extremely high currents. They can cause a large voltage drop and a large rise in potential, even in well-earthed buildings or systems, despite low earthing resistances. This can then result in a galvanic, inductive or capacitive coupling of surge voltages within the circuits of electrical or electronic facilities. Any insulation will also be penetrated.So, in reality, there are no electrical isolation methods which provide reliable protection against surge voltages. … A natural lightning strike consists of a main discharge and a time-shifted post discharge. The strength of this second discharge is usually far below the energy level of the main discharge……The various forms of coupling must be considered in order to understand the effects of lightning.
Surges are transferred directly into circuits via common earthing impedances. The magnitude of the overvoltage depends on the amperage of the lightning and the earthing conditions. The frequency and the wave behaviour are mainly determined by the inductance and the speed of the current rise. Even distant lightning strikes can lead to overvoltages in the form of travelling waves, which affect different parts of electrical systems by way of conductive couplingA high-amperage lightning strike generates a strongmagnetic field. Starting from here, overvoltages reach nearbycircuits by means of an induction effect (e.g. directly earthed conductor, power supply lines, data lines, etc.). ….A capacitive coupling of overvoltages is also possible. Thehigh voltage of the lightning generates an electric field with a high yield strength. The transport of electrons can cause acapacitive decay to circuits with lower potentials and raise the potential concerned to an overvoltage level.Electromagnetic wave fields , that also ensue during lightning , affect conductor structures in such a way that coupled overvoltages must be expected even without direct lightning strikes. Permanent wave fields from strong transmitters are also able to cause coupled interference voltages in lines and circuits.….Electrostatic discharges – ESDElectrostatic discharges (ESD) caused by frictional charges are well known. You can experience them when getting out of a car or walking across a carpet. These discharges can be over 10,000 volts in strength. We speak of ESD when these discharge to a lower potential. If such a charge strikes, for example, electronic components, then these can be completely ruined. Special care is taken, for example, with ESD issues when manufacturing electronic circuit boards…….Longitudinal voltage
(common-mode voltage)A coupled transient interference voltage between an active conductor and the earth potential. As a rule, the longitudinal voltage is higher than the transverse voltage (transverse voltage is lower owing to cable shielding and twisting).Longitudinal voltages caused by lightning currents on cable shielding can assume quite high values, especially in the case of long lines entering a building from the outside.