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Pole Flips & Shifts- homework for tomorrow

Today I watched two very interesting videos.  We are going to dig into this topic heavily tomorrow night on the UnFuckIT discussion, so I wanted to post these videos and a couple of documents/books for people to review before then.

Please watch the videos with an OPEN MIND.  It’s too easy to toss aside something and call it “fear porn” without actually listening to the information that is being presented.

The subject of our physical planetary “poles” shifting is one that I’ve been discussing since 2011.  The “proof”, if you will, of this happening is pretty substantial.  While the UN clamours about “climate change” being caused by CO2 excess *coughcoughbullshitcoughcough* to try an explain our rapidly changing weather patterns all over the planet, this theory certainly doesn’t explain the other physical evidence of radical geological changes that are also happening: earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, massive super storms, changing jet streams, or indeed- the changing of GPS coordinates that has been ongoing for the past few years to accommodate the fact that the “north pole” is no longer where it’s supposed to be.

There are some VERY interesting dots that can be connected in here- including the UN Migration pact ;>)  and we are definitely going to dig into this tomorrow night.


Below are the two videos I mentioned, and the embedded PDFs of both of the books discussed in the videos for those of you who would like to dig deeper into this subject matter. I’m also adding Velikovsky’s “World in Collision”. I can’t guarantee that these ebooks will remain up for very long as I keep getting hit with “copyright” bullshit, but they are all available in the UnFuckers Library as well.




THE ADAM AND EVE STORY – CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf

Path of the Pole Velikovsky-Worlds-in-Collision


I'm me. It's who I wanna be.