UnFuckIt Discussion Oct 2 2019

We dove into the crazy, the woo woo, and all things in between last night! Aliens, UFOs, quantum computers, missing time, timeloops, mandela effects..... oh yes, it was a very interesting conversation!! Afterwards the Unfuckers hung out and the discussion continued and went deep into the conversation of "legal" vs "lawful", taxation is theft, the "strawman", where money comes from and 2…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 25 2019

Last night's UnFuckIt discussion opened with a geomagnetic review of the insanity we witnessed Sept 24 at just after 2am and we segued into talking about the latest "News" from space, with supermassive black holes binge eating, elevators to the moon, and our position crossing the ecliptic of the Galactic Core.... from there I tried to articulate my thoughts on "time" and…


UnFuckIt Discussion Sept 11 2019

Last night was all about looking back to several interviews from prior to the end of 2012- Bill Brockbraider/wood and Dan Burisch specifically.  This past week has been epic insanity again, and 911 brought it's own unique tech fuckery.... due to that fucker my entire recording of the show was lost!  I've downloaded the copy from the Live Stream... but it is…


Deep Immersion July 17: Jeff Gates, Emily Moyer and Dani

Deep Immersion with Jeff Gates, Emily Moyer and myself.  As usual, when we get this group together, you never know what topics will get tossed onto the table, and last nights discussion definitely didn't disappoint! A great conversation about the "narratives" that people hold onto, and how to break free from the "story lines", quantum consciousness, and of course a big dose…


Earth’s Magnetic field is changing “dangerously”

  I want to direct everyone's attention to this excellent video put out by Evolutionary Energy Arts This video does an excellent job of connecting the dots of all the recent events and really puts into perspective the moves by US Congress to try and label these events as "hacking" (by Russia or Iran, lol), when anyone who follows my work knows…


Sarah Westall with dani: Geomagnetic updates

  Earlier this week I was on Sarah Westall's show to go over the latest geomagnetic fuckery, discuss the wild weather changes we're seeing globally and talk about C60 fullerenes. ...not my best interview as I had a bad headache and our internet was just crazy bad during the discussion, which made screen sharing much more difficult.... d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zebuV8f6pn4&t=1s


Astrology 2.0: Introduction to the Waves

Today we launched the beginning of a series of shows on Astrology 2.0, introducing "The Waves".  We're looking at the outer planets of Pluto, Uranus and Neptune and their unique roles that they've played through the generations: Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z and now the new Alphas. This will be a series of Astrology 2.0 shows that will be scheduled…


Ebola: looking back at 2014- Review of everything

This is an updated list of all of the RTS articles published on the topic of the "Ebola Outbreak" in West Africa. Welcome to the new look of Transpicuous News!   We will be recording regular episodes of The Transpicuous News Show on The One Network.   As each episode is released, I will posts the videos and all the related material…


Beware the “Isms” and “Ists”

When we are trodding day after day through this quagmire of bullshit, lies and propaganda, sometimes its easy to fall into the trap of certain words. Words, and English words in particular, have been warped and edited, with their true meanings hidden away in the shadows, while new definitions are polished and spin-doctored to prop up the propaganda and agendas.  Anyone who's…