Earth’s Magnetic field is changing “dangerously”

  I want to direct everyone's attention to this excellent video put out by Evolutionary Energy Arts This video does an excellent job of connecting the dots of all the recent events and really puts into perspective the moves by US Congress to try and label these events as "hacking" (by Russia or Iran, lol), when anyone who follows my work knows…


Sarah Westall with dani: Geomagnetic updates

  Earlier this week I was on Sarah Westall's show to go over the latest geomagnetic fuckery, discuss the wild weather changes we're seeing globally and talk about C60 fullerenes. ...not my best interview as I had a bad headache and our internet was just crazy bad during the discussion, which made screen sharing much more difficult.... d


Astrology 2.0: Introduction to the Waves

Today we launched the beginning of a series of shows on Astrology 2.0, introducing "The Waves".  We're looking at the outer planets of Pluto, Uranus and Neptune and their unique roles that they've played through the generations: Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z and now the new Alphas. This will be a series of Astrology 2.0 shows that will be scheduled…


Ebola: looking back at 2014- Review of everything

This is an updated list of all of the RTS articles published on the topic of the "Ebola Outbreak" in West Africa. Welcome to the new look of Transpicuous News!   We will be recording regular episodes of The Transpicuous News Show on The One Network.   As each episode is released, I will posts the videos and all the related material…


Beware the “Isms” and “Ists”

When we are trodding day after day through this quagmire of bullshit, lies and propaganda, sometimes its easy to fall into the trap of certain words. Words, and English words in particular, have been warped and edited, with their true meanings hidden away in the shadows, while new definitions are polished and spin-doctored to prop up the propaganda and agendas.  Anyone who's…


Sarah Westall:Trump Signs EMP Executive Order, Massive Blasts Hitting Earth – Dani Arnold McKenny

  On Monday  I was interviewed by Sarah Westall again and we had a great discussion. We talked about the latest geomagnetic anomalies and discussed Trump's EMP executive order, the continual EMP blasts hitting the Earth and the unprecedented solar storm activity being tracked. We also talked about the real effects that humans can and are suffering from the higher and lower…


We create the world around us…

  Recently I've returned to reading again, reading for pleasure, not research that is.  And yet every book I pick up seems to have some deeper meaning, with highlights of information that resonate deep within me.  I've just re-read all of David Eddings epic series, which I've read several times over the past 30 years, and over and over again, pieces jumped…


UnFuckIt Discussion, March 20 2019

  Crazy Crazy Crazyness my friends!!  Last night we opened the discussion with the latest geomagnetic/solar news, and discussed a couple of interesting articles that just came out in the world of science.  Are we capable of feeling magnetic fields?  Of course we are (duh!), but what does that mean in a world with constant geomagnetic anomalies... do people start driving in…