UnFuckIt Discussion: What IS this Reality?

Last night's UnFuckIt Discussion was awesome and illuminating and invigorating.  We discussed the question:  What IS this reality we are living in?  And opened the floor to all the aspects, all the questions, all the theories.  From "They Truman Show", to "The Matrix", to "Dark City".  Is it a physical construct?  A computer simulation?  A hologram?  A petri dish? Or is it…


UnFuckIt Discussion August 2 2017

I don't usually post an article to go with the archives of the UnFuckIt Discussion, but we covered a lot of information last night and I wanted to make sure everyone had access to all the links.   love d     LINKS:   https://www.corbettreport.com/sentient-world-simulation-meet-your-dod-clone/ https://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/06/23/sentient_worlds/ http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/project/openvce/book/export/html/59 http://getliner.com/webpdf/web/viewer.html?file=6b733c9618ac4ff63da796cb724eb322c8c27546.pdf https://www.wired.com/2016/04/magic-leap-vr/ http://rts.earth/2017/07/transpicuous-news-july-14-2017-virtual-reality/    


Free Money? Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts: Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences

This is an excellent rundown of the background information and great overview of what's going on right now, with people scrambling to "access their value" via Treasury Direct and Federal Reserve accounts.  Justin, from Stillness in the Storm (SITS) lays this out in a comprehensive and very easy to comprehend write up. If you are looking for more information about these subjects,…


Emergence Theory, Consciousness & the Quantum Entangled Simulation

This is an excellent video that was sent to me today and perfectly meshes with some of the subjects I've been talking about for the past few years/months/weeks/whatevers.  Yes.... we're going back down the Physics Rabbit Hole!! While the information discussed in the video, and the article excepts below, may contain different descriptive words/concepts than what we've been using to try and…


Together we’ll cross the river

"The Humbling River" Braved the forests, braved the stone Braved the icy winds and fire Braved and beat them on my own Yet I'm helpless by the river Angel, angel, what have I done? I've faced the quakes, the wind, the fire I've conquered country, crown, and throne Why can't I cross this river? Angel, angel, what have I done? I've faced…


Transpicuous Views July 16 Part 2: The Virtual Question

As I said in TV July 16th Part 1, I hadn't actually planned on discussing the whole financial question again, but felt moved to really lay it all out on the table one last time.  That was the first half of Transpicuous Views last night.  What I really wanted to dig into was the topic of this seemingly "Virtual" Reality that we…


Transpicuous Views July 16 2017 Part 1…. if you don’t know….

 After this Wednesday nights UnFuckIt Discussion: Deja Vu and the Question of hidden accounts,  I was planning on putting this entire topic to rest and to move on to other discussions..... But in observing the reactions of people to this viral conversation about accessing hidden accounts in the Federal Reserve and Treasury Direct, my inner momma warrior rose up and said "WAIT!".…