Transpicuous Views March 25: Solar Revolution

  Last night the UnFuckers and I got together to do something new: Watch a Movie!  The Movie we watched was "Solar Revolution" by Biophysicist Dieter Broers. This movie is an amazing scientific discussion about Consciousness, the mind, our brains and the pineal gland, DMT, our bodies electrical and magnetic fields, the Earth's geomagnetic fields, Cosmic energy, and local and galactic solar particles/energy. …


$1.3 TRILLION dollar “Spending Bill”: What I didn’t know earlier…..

Donald Trump just signed this ludicrous "Spending Bill" . What I didn't know when I wrote my article earlier today: It only "Funds" the American Government until September 2018. ............ $1.3 TRILLION Dollars for 6 Months of Government spending OR to break that down for you, the US Government just signed a spending bill that will cost  $7,142,857,143 PER DAY  "...ten thousand dollars…


New US $1.3 trillion spending bill- What you need to know…

  According to this article from Bloomberg, "Spending Bill Goes to Senate Ahead of Shutdown Deadline":  "The House passed a $1.3 trillion spending bill that would avert a government shutdown and increase funding for the military, border security and other domestic programs...In 256-167 vote on Thursday, the House sent the compromise measure to the Senate, which could vote by the end of…


UnFuckIt Discussion: March 21 2018

  Last night's UnFuckIt discussion was seriously awesome and fast paced.  From discussing the WOO of WTF is going on right now, to how to build community, to personal boundaries, to seeing our personal programming and belief structures, to why the hell are some people just.... so not with it? d    


Vaccine Injuries: Pictures worth a thousand words.

Real Lives have been destroyed by Vaccines.  Real families have been devastated by Vaccines. Contrary to the mass media LIES that Vaccines are safe.... the REAL people have a different story. Contrary to the LIES of the Pharmaceutical Industry that Vaccines are safe and effective.... REAL people have a different story. Contrary to the myth of "Herd Immunity".... Real People will tell…


Trumps Signs EO banning Venezuela Crypto Purchases

And here we go folks!!   Today US president Trump signed an Executive Order banning the purchase of Venezuela's fully asset backed crypto currency!! Actually... I'm surprised it took him this long.  I was expecting this about a week ago when Venezuela announced that they "Sold $5B in Crypto".   Executive Order on Taking Additional Steps to Address the Situation in Venezuela…


Transpicuous News: Monday morning insanity

  Well it's Monday morning and Things are definitely hopping everywhere!  For those of you interested in the "news" and the financial circus, there are a few news stories today that you may want to review.   First up, Russian Elections: Putin wins by a massive landslide With over 54% voter turn out (something no western nation has managed in two decades),…


Solar Flare….dips? ummmm…. WTF>?

  So there I was, just perusing through various solar data sites looking to verify some crazy report I'd been sent by a viewer.  First stop for solar base info for me is always the Russian Solar site, Tesis Lebedev as their information is presented in a very concise easy to find way and lets face it, when it comes to "space"info,…


Common Unity, March 15th 2018

  Last night's Common Unity Show, with Ben Grose and Dani Arnold McKenny.  We launched into what has been and most likely will continue to be an ongoing conversation about our DNA structure, C60 "buckyball" fullerenes, and how these nanoparticles interact with our cells and theories about it's interaction with our DNA, and the effects of radiation.  We jumped through several topics…