Updates on rts.earth
1- Registration for various parts of the new site: WARNING: all the activation emails are going to people’s Spam/Junk folders!!
Right now you will have to register/login for various sections of the site independently, ie: rts earth is a separate login/registration, and you have to register/login for the unfuckers section, and again if you wish to list a classified ad.
We are trying to work on a universal registration but unfortunately those pieces of programming are expensive, so for now, each section has a separate registration point (the shopping mall will also have a separate registration for those people who want to have shops).
If you are having problems registering or logging in- please remember that you may not have registered for THAT specific section of the site!!
John has also just informed me that we have 26 members who’ve registered but haven’t activated their account through the email activation key.
We are having a few issues with different things and they are being worked on as we come across them, for example, the top menu seems to disappear on smart phones.
If you are having technical issues you can email John Carl at:
2- Admins & Moderators Wanted!
Two nights ago I had the UnFuckers call to talk about the new site and give a walk through- unfortunately due to my own stupidity and being unprepared, I had to re-record the intro/walk through yesterday morning(that is the video I posted yesterday). During the call, I did a call out for Admins and Moderators for the new site.
Admins are needed for various sections like the classifieds, the shopping mall, and once we get it built- the unfuckers wiki library page. We also need at least one more techie person, who’s experienced in wordpress who can help with tech issues and support for members etc… Please send me a message if you can help out in these areas.
Moderators are needed for the Forums- mostly the rts.earth forum- we will need at least 4 mods, across timezones so that we have at least partial coverage all day, with a moderator to help anyone with questions (non-tech questions, lol), and keep an eye on posts and watch for shills and trolls (yes, they will appear, they always do, lol).
3-Technical help and Programmers:
We could use another set of hands from someone with wordpress experience to help with building the site.
We ALSO need a programmer- Nick came up with a brilliant idea for something to add to the site- something that’s never been done before in alternative media (that we’ve seen)- and No, I’m not giving out details until we have some of the creation ironed out. We need a piece of programming done- an app created, and as John said on the unfuckers call two nights ago, this is going to be brand new and will have huge applications across the internet and in various sectors of business, and could mean big money coming in, just from the app itself. We want to keep the creation of this app in-house, within unfuckers if possible, so that the idea isn’t stolen by one of the big companies. If you’re a programmer, or can personally vouch for a programmer, please contact john: pinantanjohn@yahoo.ca
And lastly….. Community!
As I’ve said on all the unfucker calls about the new rts.earth site: If we want to build this community, and really make it work, it’s going to take ALL OF YOU to do that!! Communities don’t just “happen”, they take the work of a community to MAKE it a community!! We are very fortunate in that we already have a family/clan/community in the UnFuckers Unite facebook group, so we are not building from scratch.
The Facebook UU group has almost 2000 members, with several hundred who are regularly active participants.
Within the next few weeks, once we have the social aspect of the new site all worked out and glitch free, I will be closing down the UnFuckers Unite Facebook group. Completely. Yes, moving over to a new form of communication will be an adventure, and it will also have a learning curve. BUT it will be well worth it. The forums may be “old school” but to this day, they are still the best way to keep track of topics, and to be able to TRACK discussions and pull up old topics, and it gives everyone the ability to participate in the conversations they want to take part it, and ignore the topics that they don’t want to be involved in. It will also give us the ability to keep discussions on various topics in a set area, so that when we have new info to add, or want to refer back to a previous post, it’s right there at your fingertips!
RTS EARTH is an evolving creation, and we have all sorts of plans on how to move forward!! We also want to hear from YOU! I will set up a specific Forum, under the “Welcome to RTS Earth” category for people to give opinions and ideas.
Have Fun!
love d