Transpicuous Views Aug 13 2017: Common Unity to be who we ARE.

Last nights Transpicuous Views ran through a range of topics, from "Starving Mystic Syndrome", to actually BEING in the "Now", to "how to deal with teenagers" (lol) to coming to that place where you can ALLOW people to just be themselves- without judgement or argument.  Once again, we discussed "community" or: Common Unity, and working on bringing people together, regardless of beliefs…


UnFuckIt Discussion: What IS this Reality?

Last night's UnFuckIt Discussion was awesome and illuminating and invigorating.  We discussed the question:  What IS this reality we are living in?  And opened the floor to all the aspects, all the questions, all the theories.  From "They Truman Show", to "The Matrix", to "Dark City".  Is it a physical construct?  A computer simulation?  A hologram?  A petri dish? Or is it…


UnFuckIt Discussion August 2 2017

I don't usually post an article to go with the archives of the UnFuckIt Discussion, but we covered a lot of information last night and I wanted to make sure everyone had access to all the links.   love d     LINKS:    


Notice to New Users trying to register

Date Aug 4, 2017 Issue has been solved. User emails are working again. Thank you for your patience.     Date Aug 1 2017 We are currently having some issues with our server configuration and how it processes emails, images and updates. New user registration emails are not being sent by the system. This is a deep issue that I cannot correct…


RTS Mall is almost ready to accept vendors

The shopping area of RTS.EARTH has been beta tested and we have found some issues that we are simply not going to deal with. So, we have formulated a new plan. We have space and resources to host a ton of shops and to make that much easier on all of us, we have decided to set it up as separate installations…


Free Money? Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts: Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences

This is an excellent rundown of the background information and great overview of what's going on right now, with people scrambling to "access their value" via Treasury Direct and Federal Reserve accounts.  Justin, from Stillness in the Storm (SITS) lays this out in a comprehensive and very easy to comprehend write up. If you are looking for more information about these subjects,…