Transpicuous News March 25th Geomagnetic Update

  I suppose we could call this event, the Geomagnetic Storm that Wasn't. On last Wed Nights UnFuckIt discussion, I opened the show with a geomagnetic update discussing the C Class solar flares and the Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) that was purportedly heading towards Earth.  The next day I put out a more technical Geomagnetic Update.  The long and short of it…


Transpicuous Views: Astrology 2.0

  This morning on Transpicuous Views, Amina, Jules, Meghan and myself got together for Astrology 2.0 This was a fantastic discussion that dug into some of the simpler and deeper explanations of the language of Astrology, and delved into our current NOW insanity.  This was a really awesome conversation and again, I can guarantee that the four of us will get together…


Transpicuous News: March 22- Geomagnetic/Solar Update

GEOMAGNETIC UPDATE I posted a quick Solar Update yesterday, March 21 2019, on Facebook: "The solar flares I talked about on Wed nights UnFuckIt Discussion have continued, and the sun hasn't settled down at all since yesterday" As soon as I woke up this morning, after getting caffeinated and fixing all the computer technical glitches that seemed to have formed over night,…


UnFuckIt Discussion, March 20 2019

  Crazy Crazy Crazyness my friends!!  Last night we opened the discussion with the latest geomagnetic/solar news, and discussed a couple of interesting articles that just came out in the world of science.  Are we capable of feeling magnetic fields?  Of course we are (duh!), but what does that mean in a world with constant geomagnetic anomalies... do people start driving in…


OYM Radio Interview with Dani Arnold

  Last night I had a brilliant time on Open Your Mind Radio out of Ireland.  Alan and I had a fantastic discussion on so many topics that the conversation seemed to move at light speed, and 2 hours went by so quickly that I may have whiplash!!  If you missed the show last night, here is the archive recording from OYM's…


UnFuckIt Eurasian Edition Mar 10 2019

  Welcome to the UnFuckIt Discussion- the Eurasian Edition that is held once a month at a "decent" time for those of us in Europe and Asia and Oceania :D We dug into a LOT of topics today, from the geomagnetics, earth changes, physical symptoms, the WTF/Mandela effect of this past week, and really had a great conversation about listening to our…


Transpicuous News Geomagnetic Update: March 7th 2019

  Well this certainly has been an interesting week for our planet!  This episode of Transpicuous News begins with a brief geomagnetic update that I covered during last nights UnFuckIt Discussion, then I show you the OTHER ridiculous anomalies from the past few days! Yo Yos in space anyone? d   Links for this episode of Transpicuous News:…


UnFuckIt discussion: March 6th 2019

  Last night's UnFuckIt discussion I opened up with a geomagnetic update on the craziness of the past 36 hours.