Emily Moyer’s Strange Mosaic, with dani arnold

Earlier this week I was invited to join Emily Moyer on her show Strange Mosiac.  We opened the conversation with discussing the Vatican's Nativity scene for 2020, which is one of the strangest things I've ever seen! (Image below), and then we were off down the rabbit hole of "disclosure" and the current insanity that is playing out in this reality. The…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Dec 14, 2020

Great, fast moving discussion that went all over the place today!  From discussing the wild Mandela Effect that showed up right after the Astrology 2.0 show on Saturday, to the latest COVID bullshittery and vaccine insanity, to the silence of the media on anything that might go against their (bought and paid for) narrative, to the entertainment industry, to the laughs over…


Just a little Jab, Dec 14 2020

UK trial to mix and match Covid vaccines to try to improve potency Pilot planned for January will give subjects a shot of both Oxford/AstraZeneca and Pfizer/BioNTech versions What could possibly go wrong? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/08/covid-mixed-vaccine-trial-likely-to-begin-in-uk-next-month?fbclid=IwAR0R0OcYn_SDHa-Oxm4ThP0reHEDHsvfdy5pZTssJJCsGqwsbdxpYAK5WHY FDA publishes first peer-reviewed report on Pfizer trial as Britain rolls out COVID vaccine Six people died in Pfizer’s late-stage trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, the US Food…


Astrology 2.0: The Great Reject

A note about this discussion yesterday:  At the end of the show, we had a major mandela effect jump out at us.  It bowled us over so much that we will be doing a round table discussion on it in the very near future!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsXTeySi4jY&feature=youtu.be   https://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/astrologicalmusings/2007/12/tecumsehs-curse-and-the-us-jup.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_Last_Supper_-_Leonardo_Da_Vinci_-_High_Resolution_32x16.jpg          


The Jab: Day two of mass vaccination

Yet another "COVID" Vaccines that is proving that the vaccine will make you sick, will shed live virus particulates, and can infect others!!!! If you weren't into "social distancing" and extreme sanitizing.... you may want to start now, as we are surrounded by "Typhoid Mary" muggles that will be walking around with their freshly vaccinated bodies, shedding frankinvirus particles into the general…


COVID vaccine roll out…here we go again!

Yet another train wreck in progress.  A picture is worth a thousand words... well here's a couple thousand words for you!  Some images, links, a video, and some pdf documents for your records and to share.         Take 25 minutes to watch this video!!! sorry I can embed it....apparently wordpress is blocking this video as well as all the…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Dec 7 2020

Walking in an insane nightmare land..... Yep, this past week reached a new level of WTAF- on every level!!!  The discussion today was so fast paced and awesome that we ended up over 2.5 hours!! Quantum entanglement, PTSD, Political absurdity, financial lunacy, emotional roller coasters, solar physics, galactic super waves, and a lego Trump were just a few topics on the table…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Nov 23 2020

What is this "virus"? Why the locking us away into our caves? Where is the logic?  What is the real reason?  Some interesting perspectives were discussed today by the UnFuckers. AND.... then we ended up a lighter and I'd like to think, funnier note :D     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GGCFV-9y5A     The video Ann mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t3HMfCyHIE&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0A6QM--Ip_855WgULtJ7d5v56inDxIdfPUXAlrkxIdeZ5HZp2jl79VEDE https://www.jax.org/news-and-insights/2017/may/narry-kim-hugo?fbclid=IwAR1n5xZhkaPi6dUaP1YsXucsssbB6_PAKnTChn-9jGMScbqDodDkIPebFdE  


UnFuckIt Discussion, Nov 16, 2020

Belief systems in control of everything! Oh the Beliefs that are being used to divide and conquer the people.  Today's Discussion: Politics & Finance and all the bullshit that goes along with it, Election failures, sweeping statements that have to back up/proof, and cryptocurrencies.  Yes, it was a very interesting conversation!! I will be putting out a short "how to" video for…


While everyone is distracted by the US elections….

While everyone is distracted by arguing over who won the US Election... This is what has been happening on your planet this past week. You might want to pay a bit more attention to what's going on around you.   -3 days straight of 0KP geomagnetics!!!   -A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2020 VP1 flew past Earth at a distance of 0.48 LD…