Transpicuous News Geomagnetic Update: March 7th 2019

  Well this certainly has been an interesting week for our planet!  This episode of Transpicuous News begins with a brief geomagnetic update that I covered during last nights UnFuckIt Discussion, then I show you the OTHER ridiculous anomalies from the past few days! Yo Yos in space anyone? d   Links for this episode of Transpicuous News:…


Transpicuous News Feb 27 2019 Geomagnetic update

  Sorry for the long delay between reports... Life kinda got in the way of news reporting, lol. While the massive blasts that we saw at midnight in January seem to have disappeared, our geomagnetic "force field" has continued to take a beating. On top of that, the 0 KP geomagnetic days have been constant- from Friday Feb 22 until today we…


Transpicuous News Jan 30 2019

  In last night's Transpicuous News update, I spoke about the Geomagnetic instability of our planets shields and showed some of the anomalies from the past few days in the latest charts.  I also spoke about what is happening in Venezuela and cautioned people to please watch this event very closely: we are seeing 2011 and Libya playing out again right in…


Transpicuous News Geomagnetic Update, Jan 24th 2019

  Well yesterday was certainly interesting for a lot of people!! We saw some wild geomagnetic stuff happening all day yesterday, but especially at 20:00/8pm UTC (2pm EST).  In this geomagnetic update, I show the last 36 hours or so in our magnetosphere and solar wind speed velocities, but I also pull up feeds from January 6th 2015 to show a comparison. …


Transpicuous News Jan 19 where the wind blows

  Sorry for the delay darlins.  Today we're taking yet another look at the geomagnetic fields of Earth and our magnetosphere- Jan 17th was an interesting day my friends!! Please go over to Twitch.TV and "follow" our channel so that you can watch our LIVE stream shows and get notifications!   Earlier this month Mark Elkin put out an excellent article…


Transpicuous News update: Magnetic North Pole is now in Siberia

  Further to our conversation about the Magnetic North Pole very rapidly moving across the Arctic, I commented in the UnFuckers group that in late 2017 a friend of mine, Ihor, had sent me a Russian science article that outlined that the magnetic north pole was no longer anywhere near where they are telling us it is, and that it was already…


Transpicuous News Jan 12 2019: we need a new measuring stick

  Transpicuous News for Jan 12 2019 and we are yet again looking at the magnetosphere for the past 48 hours.  The "blasts" are amping up and from 8pm UTC till 8am this morning the magnetosphere was in a constant barrage of energy hitting our planet. As I mentioned in the video, I highly recommend that everyone take an hour and watch…


Transpicuous News Jan 9th: Continuous Magnetosphere Flux

Since my last Transpicuous News report Jan 7th, Earth's Magnetosphere has been in continuous flux & chaos.  I added a couple of short vids to that TN report, but this morning I sat down and again took us through Earth's Magnetosphere feed from the 7th up to now.  I also show the "solar weather" that is NOT happening and the physical symptoms…


Transpicuous News Jan 7th: Mystery of the Shockwaves

  With all the discussions lately about the Earth's Magnetosphere, I decided to put the time today into back tracking the graphs to give us a look at what's been happening this past week.  .... Yes. It's boring.  You'll survive, I promise. d Edited at 22:52 CET to add:  As soon as I began uploading the TN video- the magnetosphere went into…


Transpicuous News Jan 3 2019: WTF was THAT?!

  A Quick update to ask the question:  WHAT THE FUCK JUST HIT EARTH!? Between 8pm Jan 2nd until just before 4am Jan 3rd, the Earth was bombarded by the most massive .... somethingorother, that I've ever seen in all my years of watching the Solar feeds, Magnetosphere/pause.  And according to the solar observatories... it didn't come from our Sun! d…