UnFuckers Movie Night: Paul

Last nights UnFucker movie was Paul.  It was a night to kick back, enjoy some laughs and nothing serious.  No thinking or analyzing involved, just good ol fashion fun.  If you haven't seen Paul yet, I highly recommend it for the giggles. love d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgw9L9jpCfc&feature=youtu.be  


UnFuckers Movie Night: The Source Code (2017)

  Last night the UnFuckers watched "the Source Code" (from 2017)-Brilliant movie with a twist at the end that opens up a LOT of questions! IS the nature of our reality digital? Very interesting! d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAljRPzo47A&feature=youtu.be        


UnFuckIt Discussion: August 22 2018

  It's almost the end of August and shit just keeps getting weirder!  Last night we discussed the wildfires that are currently raging around the world, and I invited a friend of mine, Katrina, to join us from California to share her experiences with the past two insane fires that have ripped through her area.  We took a good look at the…


The Fires that Burn- agenda 21? I don’t think so….

My friends, not everything is "Agenda 21". As I spoke about in a Transpicuous Views show earlier this month, we've been programmed to throw everything into this one basket- it's the catch all response to why anything bad is happening. We've fallen into a pattern of blaming everything on something. Like I said during the show, 3 years ago everything was CERNs…


UnFuckers Movie Night: John Carter of Mars

Last night we watch John Carter of Mars.  The movie is fun, with an interesting undercurrent that play out.... leading to the question:  Who are these Bald Men that are continuously portrayed in TV shows and Movies over and over again?  Always there.  Always watching. d   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoZRcxx5kAY&feature=youtu.be     Free download of Edgar Rice Burrough's books: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/author/48    


UnFuckers Movie Night: 2:22

  Last night's UnFucker Movie was 2:22, released in 2017.  VERY interesting movie about patterns- repeating patterns in the lives of the characters.  Leading to the question: what patterns are we repeating in OUR lives?   d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZGImVm0IJY&feature=youtu.be   https://www.ligo.org/detections/GW170817.php https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gravitational-waves-neutron-star-collision-ligo/  


C60 Q&A: introduction

On Wednesday night, I hosted a Question & Answer discussion with our private members, to discuss C60, the research, dosing, applications and to take questions from members. This is the short intro version of the Discussion. If you would like to watch the entire 1:45 video, please register at: www.unfuckersunite.com  or http://membershop.gaeasgarden.com/ dani https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKYWssBrz_o&feature=youtu.be  


UnFuckit Discussion August 8th 2018

Science and Bullshit, lol !  Our discussion last night really took a look at the scientific "facts" that are anything but, the "Laws" that are unproven theories, and the twisting of the narratives to corner us in belief constructs that we build ourselves.  Really great conversation last night!! Following the UnFuckIt discussion, I hosted a C60 Question & Answer discussion where we…


UnFuckers Movie Night: A Wrinkle in Time

  Last night's UnFuckers Movie was "A Wrinkle in Time". While it was difficult to ignore the horrifically bad makeup, lol, the movie delves into some interesting subjects, such as folding space/time, and the "IT" (AI Virus?) that looked a whole lot like Cthulhu tentacled black goo who's objective is to infect everyone with "the dark". .... Side note: if you loved…


When is a geomagnetic storm not a geomagnetic storm?

I've been talking about the extremely weird shit the sun ("sun") has been doing for a long long time. We've just recently been talking about the incoming solar radiation- UV-A. UN-B, & UV-C ultra violet rays, the incoming cosmic rays and particles, and the fact that nothing is as it appears to be.... A fellow UnFucker sent me this link (below) to…