UnFuckers Movie Night: Extinction

Last night we watched the Netflix movie "Extinction" - 2018.  The beginning feels like a good ol' fashion Hollywood "Alien invasion" type flick, but then there is a very interesting twist thrown into the mix.  After the movie, I gave my version of the story- Taking the obvious Hollywood spin out of it and inserting the narrative that is currently coming to…


Transpicuous Views Dani & Ann, Dec 1 2018

Yesterday evening Ann Callaghan and I had another impromptu discussion that led into the topics of the "Mud Floods", "geomagnetic" and purported "solar" events, and the concept that we are on the verge of another "Reset".  I will put as many of the links to what we discuss during this video below. Another piece of the puzzle?  CERNs last day of the…


Transpicuous Views: Epic Journey of WeBeFree Mike

Last Saturday I was gifted with a visit from my awesome friend "Gilga" WeBeFree Mike, who came to Malta for a week.  Many of you who have been following "Removing the Shackles" may remember the "Epic Journey of Gilga Mike", as I nick-named him, when he began his journey hitchhiking from Germany down to the south of Spain, and is adventures in…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Nov 28th 2018

  It almost didn't happen, but things sorted themselves out and we got together for an UnFuckIT discussion afterall- and it was an awesome chat!!  WTF is going on in the world? Earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, blizzards, geomagnetic anomalies, giant waves, blinding headaches, body pains, massive personal mandela/WTF effects, reality changing weekly......  No seriously.... WTF>? We also dug into the topic of "AI"…


UnFuckIt Discussion Nov 21 Part 2: Ben and Dani

  I was just thinking that we'd pretty much covered everything and that it was time to end the discussion.... and then Ben showed up, and we were OFF!!!  Digging into the latest scientific research on Magnetism and electromagnetism, Electrostatic discharges, pole shifting, the Earth's Water mantle.... it was fast and furious and a lot of fun! d   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25IVaI4ZgXU&feature=youtu.be   Links…


UnFuckIt Discussion Nov 21 2018: Part 1….

  With so much Craziness going on, there was lots to talk about last night.  I opened the discussion with several links to various news stories from the past few days.... Trump and Saudi, CERN, mega powerful Japanese electromagnets, tsunami hitting Tenerife, "Radioactive" hotspots in Antarctica, Dark Matter Hurricanes, and of course the fires in California..... do not get caught up in…


Transpicuous Views Nov 18: Beware the DEW Trap

Last night, after the UnFucker Movie (Valerian), I brought up the subject of the wild fires in California and we discussed the "distraction" in the alt-media to coerce everyone into a single narrative, ie: The California forest fires are caused by DEW weapons and are trying to clear the land for a new railroad line.   (video below) It's very apparent that most…


UnFuckers Movie Night: Valerian

Last night the UnFuckers watched another Luc Besson Movie- Valerian. some very interesting correlations between the Pearls and the the Navi, from last weeks movie, Avatar. ;>) After a short discussion about the movie, we moved into various major events that are currently playing out this past few weeks....   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNKkYnYbP0Y&feature=youtu.be


WTF just hit Earth?

Edited additions at the bottom of the article. Ok my friends, this is epic insanity.  Last night this video was posted in the UnFuckers group, which shows the Earth's Magnetopause getting absolutely hammered.  This isn't about just a simple "magnetic storm" or "CME" hitting our planet... The magnetic lines in the live Magnetopause are literally smashed in a way that I've rarely…