Covering Earth with a “SunShade”: Solar Geoengineering

  Solar Geoengineering is a thing folks- and it seriously official now!!   Main Stream Media and multiple "Science" outlets and websites are all running the same story:  Scientists want to spray a huge "Sun Shade" of reflective particles over the Earth to stop "Global Warming". .... Have I suddenly looped back to 2015?  The reason I'm asking is because by 2016…


Transpicuous News April 4th 2018: Theories of Space & Reality?

  During last nights UnFuckIt discussion, I pulled out 3 different new stories on the subjects of "Space" and "redefining reality".... the language used is VERY interesting!!! To attend the UnFuckIt Discussions, or be part of the Zoom Audience during shows, Please sign up to be an UnFuckers Unite! Private member!! d   Links from this TN Episode:…


“Sacrificial Virgins”: the Gardasil Vaccine Lie that is destroying a generation

Gardasil Vaccine Documentary “Sacrificial Virgins” Wins World Social Impact Award at Queens World Film Festival Sacrificial Virgins investigates widespread global concerns over the safety of the controversial vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix, which are prescribed to millions of girls (and now boys) in nationwide mass vaccination programmes across the world.... ...The ability of the vaccines to prevent HPV infection is established but Sacrificial Virgins…


Quintessentially Whole, April 1, 2018

  Quintessentially Whole, April 1 2018- Ann Callaghan and dani arnold mckenny are joined by one of our favorite researchers Phillip to discuss: hydration/dehydration, nutrition, our desperate state of mineral deficiency, Lectins- "the plant paradox", C60, and even the dreaded "Urine Therapy"... but with a new twist!   d   Clif High: lectins   Information Discussed…


Solar Xray “Dips” Disappear?

Earlier this month I brought up a very unusual phenomena that I haven't seen before in all my years of watching the Solar Live Feeds:  The appearance of what I called the X-Ray "Dips" that appeared on February 27th 2018 and continued every single day, at the exact same time..... until TODAY.  Now... was today just an anomaly?  I'll be closely watching…


How To Get Rid Of Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists

  This was just an awesome article for my morning coffee.... awesome for me, but not so much for my computer when I laughed out loud and spewed coffee on my monitor.  Sarcasm is my favorite language, and this seriously drips!!!! Caitlin Johnstone  is a brilliant "Rogue Journalist".   d           How To Get Rid Of Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists…


UnFuckIt Discussion: March 28 2018

  Last night's UnFuckit discussion start out with me ranting about the latest news, which you can listen to HERE, and then we all just kicked back to hang out and chat.  Topics included health, cooking- (and recipes!), old cars, the horrific consumer "youhavetobuyeverythingneweveryyear" society that we have been forced to live in- due to everything that is manufactured is complete CRAP,…


TN: Fucking Microsoft- new Terms & Conditions!!

  Microsoft has just announced that they are changing their "Terms of Service" and now they can ban you for swearing....among other things.  But this goes W A Y deeper than just the "F" Word!!! If you violate these Terms, we may stop providing Services to you or we may close your Microsoft account. We may also block delivery of a communication…


#deletefacebook & How to get exFacebookers to STAY on Steemit

    My #steemit feed has been filled all weekend with the hashtag #deletefacebook with everyone jumping on board the the "Get the fuck off Facebook Now" bandwagon, and I have to ask..... why now?  And if "now", then where will all these exfacebookers run to for their daily (hourly) social media fix? Facebook is stealing your data, warping your news feed…