UnFuckers Movie: The Dark Crystal, 1982

Last night's UnFucker Movie Night we watched the epic classic Jim Henson movie: The Dark Crystal If you haven't seen it, or haven't seen it in years, I highly recommend watching it (again)!!!  I haven't seen this movies in years and year and the piece openly discussed in the movie are just amazing!! I will be creating a database for the UnFuckers…


UnFuckIt Discussion: June 27th 2018

  It's almost July and we're wondering where the months are disappearing to... almost as if time is disappearing itself....  I opened the discussion last night with a new theory: Jet Lag.  We also take a look at the idea of Prophecy, who's prophecy, and who's creating the narrative battle to set up the next "Prophetic" cycle. d   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7JU05Xr-L4&feature=youtu.be https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_lag#cite_note-9 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/first-human-clock-gene-fo/…


UnFuckIt Discussion: June 20th 2018

Another week, more fuckery, more insanity, lol.  Last night we talked about "Time" and referenced some of the topics brought up by the movie "Inception" that the UnFuckers watched together on Sunday night.  Ben and I also got into the "time" vs "currency", "magnetic" vs "electrical" energy systems... it get's a bit woo woo out there for a while, lol. d  …


Deep Immersion, ann & dani: Inception Point

Last night the UnFuckers watched Inception together and OH MAN..... If you haven't watched Inception I highly recommend you do. If you haven't watched it in years.... it's time to dust it off and watch it again. This morning Ann Callaghan and I were chatting about the "weirdness"... This is our conversation from this morning.  We'd like to hear from you all,…


UnFuckIt Discussion: June 13 2018

Yet another week of insanity, lol.  What can I say at this point? Just assume that every week will be more crazy than the last? Among a ton of other things, we discussed Bourdain's "Suicide" and the seeming trend by hollywood stars to commit suicide by hanging themselves from a doorknob....  We also got into several pieces from the Discussion I had…


Transpicuous Views with Cara St Louis: The Fae Lectures

After 3 months of planning, technical failures, and ridiculous interruptions, today Cara St Louis and I finally were able to record this discussion on her Fae Lectures, and it was well worth the wait! Cara recounts her introduction to the "Fae" and her journey to discovering the deeper story hidden in the bardic tales and writings about the Fae, the origins of…


UnFuckIt Discussion: June 6th 2018

  Oh the weirdness abounds! Our conversation last night wandered everywhere, from weird storms, to magnetic fields around Hawaii's active volcano, to mandela effects, to history, to- once again- the question of whether we live in a computer simulation. I also announced that Sunday nights will be UnFuckers Movie Night!!  If you'd like to join us in the Zoom Live Audience, please…


UnFuckIt Discussion: May 30th 2018

UnFuckers just gotta rant :D  and so we did.  Yet another week of complete insanity, on every level imaginable!  Weird dreams, getting knocked out, exhaustion, mentally challenged, physically challenged... and I didn't even gonna get into the politics or other media circus bullshit!! Heads up: UnFuckers Movie Night is coming up- date to be announced!!  We're going to watch the 5th Element…