UnFuckIt Discussion April 3 2019

  Last night on the UnFuckIt discussion, we dug deep into the matrix and looked at  Mandela Effects, as perhaps a sign post of major changes within "the matrix", and looked again at the Simulation hypothesis: that we are living in a simulation. Along and within these topics we also discussed "mud flood" theory, the electric universe and the geomagnetic/geophysical anomalies that…


UnFucker Movie: Matrix Revolution

Last night the UnFuckers watched the final move of the Matrix Trilogy- Matrix Revolutions.  Again there are some very interesting pieces within the movie, especially when you watch it with a fresh perspective.  One of the most interesting parts is the final conversation between the Oracal and the Architect at the very end of the movie: Oracal: What about the others? The…


UnFuckers Movie: The Matrix

Last night the UnFuckers watched the movie The Matrix.... and I mean really WATCHED it.  This movie is one of the few of this genre that has stood the test of time, not just visually, but in it's core storyline.  Every time you watch it, another piece becomes clear and more questions come to the surface.  Over the next 2 weeks we…


Emergence Theory, Consciousness & the Quantum Entangled Simulation

This is an excellent video that was sent to me today and perfectly meshes with some of the subjects I've been talking about for the past few years/months/weeks/whatevers.  Yes.... we're going back down the Physics Rabbit Hole!! While the information discussed in the video, and the article excepts below, may contain different descriptive words/concepts than what we've been using to try and…