UnFuckIt Discussion: March 28 2018

  Last night's UnFuckit discussion start out with me ranting about the latest news, which you can listen to HERE, and then we all just kicked back to hang out and chat.  Topics included health, cooking- (and recipes!), old cars, the horrific consumer "youhavetobuyeverythingneweveryyear" society that we have been forced to live in- due to everything that is manufactured is complete CRAP,…


UnFuckIt Discussion: March 21 2018

  Last night's UnFuckIt discussion was seriously awesome and fast paced.  From discussing the WOO of WTF is going on right now, to how to build community, to personal boundaries, to seeing our personal programming and belief structures, to why the hell are some people just.... so not with it? d         https://youtu.be/Soa3UQ3T4z4    


UnFuckIt Discussion: March 11 2018

  Last nights UnFuckIt Discussion went all over the place, from discussing the latest "3 Amigos" video with Clif High, Mount Gox's market manipulation, the coming of "The Event"- QHHT hypnosis, translations of the bible that tell the story of aliens and genetic experiments..... yea lots of stuff!! https://youtu.be/a0YsbcgdDc8   d       Lots of Videos were mentioned during this Discussion:…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Feb 25th 2018

  Last night the UnFuckers and I had our usual UnFuckIt chat. What I swore was only going to be a 1 hr discussion turned into 2 and a half hours- because the conversation was so good! Everything from health, taking responsibility for our health, to mandela effects, to me ranting about current news (but I separated that out into a different…


UnFuckIt Discussion: Jan 28 2018

Last night we kick backed and had an UnFuckIt discussion- talked about the latest interview with Clif High and his major data bomb drops this week on Transpicuous Views- oh there is so much more to these topics!!  I also discussed my move over to Steemit, and gave a bit of background on Steemit and my very limited comprehension of how it…


UnFuckIt Discussion: What IS this Reality?

Last night's UnFuckIt Discussion was awesome and illuminating and invigorating.  We discussed the question:  What IS this reality we are living in?  And opened the floor to all the aspects, all the questions, all the theories.  From "They Truman Show", to "The Matrix", to "Dark City".  Is it a physical construct?  A computer simulation?  A hologram?  A petri dish? Or is it…


UnFuckIt Discussion August 2 2017

I don't usually post an article to go with the archives of the UnFuckIt Discussion, but we covered a lot of information last night and I wanted to make sure everyone had access to all the links.   love d     LINKS:   https://www.corbettreport.com/sentient-world-simulation-meet-your-dod-clone/ https://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/06/23/sentient_worlds/ http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/project/openvce/book/export/html/59 http://getliner.com/webpdf/web/viewer.html?file=6b733c9618ac4ff63da796cb724eb322c8c27546.pdf https://www.wired.com/2016/04/magic-leap-vr/ http://rts.earth/2017/07/transpicuous-news-july-14-2017-virtual-reality/    


UnFuckIt July 12 2017: Deja Vu & the Question of hidden accounts

Last nights UnFuckIt  Show was a discussion about the current financial questions with regards to accessing accounts through your ID. I invited several people from in the various groups who are working on this, including Lisa Harrison, Brian Kelly, Heather Tucci Jarraf, Bob Wright, Lisa Shannon, Bill (American Kabuki), and several others.  We discussed not only the background of these accounts, but…