Transpicuous News July 14 2017: Virtual Reality

You know me, I look at the timing of things, and the hidden bits and pieces in an article.  When this came out yesterday, I immediately asked "WHY?", when it's obviously a rehash of information that we've already reviewed all last year.... what's the "new" piece to this?  .... ...Interesting stuff my friends!!  "Error correcting" codes?  In "Blocks"?   Add that to…


US Bill to Ban Cash, Currency and Bitcoin

This was the very first article I read this morning when I woke up after last night Transpicuous Views Show.  Further to our conversation about the attempt to ban cash and move to a cashless society.... this bomb shell drops: You won’t believe this stupid new law against Cash and Bitcoin Simon Black June 14, 2017 Manila, Philippines This one is almost…


How to sell Cancer & Cancer Drugs and Destroy the Cancer Cure

I have been following this very closely and warning the public that this was coming for years now.  The official GMO take over of the Cannabis industry, making medicinal marijuana into nothing more than a placebo at best, and toxic at the worst. Bayer is buying Monsanto. So now the super mega corporation can sell you cancer, sell you the drugs for…


Transpicuous News May 31 2017: The Bitcoin Conundrum

After starting what became a war of words and misinterpretation over an article about Bitcoin I posted on Facebook, I decided to record an update to clarify what I was actually trying to get across. It's all about being clear on what Bitcoin IS.... and what it is NOT.   d Links for this episode of Transpicuous News:…


Transparency at Ted 2017…… *thud*

Two of the most ridiculous, asinine ideas EVER to come out of a TED Talk - 2017.  As I said on the UnFuckIt! Call last night, the very thought that someone, somewhere, thinks that these are good ideas, and that the media and public actually applaud...... is the very definition of INSANITY. Article #1 Neuroscientist Wants To ‘Vaccinate’ Soldiers From PTSD At…


Transpicuous News: US vs North Korea- a bit of history

Over the past few years I've spoken about the bait and switch game the US and western governments and media have played on the public.  There is always a "drama" being played out "somewhere else". "Look at the Ukraine!!  Horrible things happening in the Ukraine... no, look at Syria now!!  Oh Wait, North Korea!!  Actually, look over here at Iran- yes it's…


Transpicuous News April 29 2017: CERN LHC is powering up again

Well I guess their official winter break time is over.  Today the LHC in CERN fired up again and began injecting protons. According to CERN: On 21 April beams circulated in the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) for the first time this year. All four elements of CERN’s accelerator chain – Linear Accelerator 2 (Linac2), the Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB), the Proton Synchrotron…