Vaccine Injuries: Pictures worth a thousand words.

Real Lives have been destroyed by Vaccines.  Real families have been devastated by Vaccines. Contrary to the mass media LIES that Vaccines are safe.... the REAL people have a different story. Contrary to the LIES of the Pharmaceutical Industry that Vaccines are safe and effective.... REAL people have a different story. Contrary to the myth of "Herd Immunity".... Real People will tell…


Solar Flare….dips? ummmm…. WTF>?

  So there I was, just perusing through various solar data sites looking to verify some crazy report I'd been sent by a viewer.  First stop for solar base info for me is always the Russian Solar site, Tesis Lebedev as their information is presented in a very concise easy to find way and lets face it, when it comes to "space"info,…


Common Unity, March 15th 2018

  Last night's Common Unity Show, with Ben Grose and Dani Arnold McKenny.  We launched into what has been and most likely will continue to be an ongoing conversation about our DNA structure, C60 "buckyball" fullerenes, and how these nanoparticles interact with our cells and theories about it's interaction with our DNA, and the effects of radiation.  We jumped through several topics…


The Torah Contract and Covenant: I do NOT Consent

WOAH!!! This article from Feb. 23 2018 just blew my mind!!! The deeper meaning of this is unbelievable.  I have studied the Torah on and off for over 2 decades, and there is FAR more going on with this, than simply saying "Hey!  We really like the first 5 books of the bible!" Pope Francis: the Torah is a manifestation of God’s…


Quintessentially Whole March 4 2018: Orgonite, Plasterite, and Tensor Rings

On Quintessentially Whole last night, Ann Callaghan and I had a brilliant discussion with Mark O'Sullivan on the subject of Orgonite, Plasterite and Tensor Rings. From the history of Orgonite, into how it's made and it's composition, and the evolution into plasterite.  Some really great ideas for "Gifting" pieces, not just to people, but to places that are under constant bombardment by…


Common Unity Feb 28th 2018

  Last night Ben Grose and I finally had a chance to sit back and dig into a ton of topics from recent discussion, and in typical Ben & Dani style the conversation was fast and all over the place, lol.  I've added a huge pile of videos below that were mentioned during our discussion, including the "Time" series By Off  Planet…


Canadian clay kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria on contact

This is the typical bullshit ridiculousness that makes my head explode. Yes, clay- from all over the world- has been use to treat massive infections (and a multitude of other health problems) for thousands of years!! This is one of the major pieces I'm looking at right now for healing. Clay has off the charts healing abilities, and has been documented in…


Declaration of Non-Consent

My Declaration of Notice, and Declaration of Non-Consent is written and spoken with MY Intent. My Intent is the ONLY power/energy/intent/law/declaration that is valid for MY BEING.  I Speak and Write from MY Intent and no Interpretations of MY intent are valid nor have any power/energy/counter intent/jurisdiction/legal validity/ability to counter in any way, shape or form, MY INTENT.  DECLARATION of NOTICE YOU have NO Power…


Quintessentially Whole: The Cannabis Connection

This episode of Quintessentially Whole was unfortunately wiped out when our servers at RTS Earth imploded in December and we lost 4 months of articles, shows and back up.  I've just re-uploaded this episode QW, with Ann Callaghan and I sitting down with Dawn Hart to discuss the Endocannabinoid system, cannabis and how our health could very well depend on this vital…


MMR Vaccine: Safer than Measles?

The short answer is: NO   The reason that this information is vitally important for people to comprehend is that the the vast majority of people - INCLUDING DOCTORS- Assume that these safety studies have been done, and Assume that the evaluations between vaccinated and unvaccinated people have been done, and that the outcomes support vaccination.  When you research this topic you'll…