Transpicuous News May 3 2021

Welcome back to Transpicuous News, as we take a walk through the current craziness across our planet, including the latest Whitehouse insanity, who pays the factcheckers, Australia's authorization to administer covid vaccine....poisons, the latest "Deagel" news, ET's new interstellar research library, and the icebergs that made the world spin wobbly.... and my latest "Theory"!!     Links for this episode of Transpicuous…


UnFuckIt Discussion April 28 2021

Last night was a fantastic UnFuckIt Discussion, everyone was on point and hilarity was abundant!!  From the latest covid ridiculousness, to the rockin' political stupidity, to the completely brainwashed masses of muggles.... All you can do is laugh, and just keep moving forward in our own reality outside of this shit! I've been talking about Pocketnet since it's inception since 2019- a…


Transpicuous News April 28 2021

Welcome to this weeks brand of insanity!  Let's take a walk through the crazy, irrational reality in which we currently reside..... From communist Canada, to Covid marshals in the UK, to Covid vaccine "opps" in France and the US, to John Kerry exposing the fact that the average grade 6 student knows more about our global environment than he does, to the…


Transpicuous News, April 21 2021

Oh the insanity of the world!! From the George Floyd case, to the latest Covid ridiculousness in the UK, to YouTube being awarded a "Freedom of Expression" award, you literally cannot make this shit up!! Welcome to the upsidedown! and for some reason I can't post this link to the article from VaccineImpact about the menstrual problems…


UnFuckIt Discussion, April 21 2021

I started off last nights discussion with an episode of Transpicuous News (which will be available later today), to jump into the insanity feet first.  As usual we talked about the covid craziness, and the "mind virus" aspect of it, that is absorbed into your awareness without you even realizing it. Political despotism and the latest ridiculousness from the Whitehouse, and a…


UnFuckIt Discussion, April 14 2021

Another week of exponential insanity has gone by.  Transparency at it's finest as the CDC and various governments scramble to convince people that it's perfectly normal to have an adverse reaction to a vaccine.  UnFuckers were up and down rabbit holes last night like a hare on speed, lol.  From Alien/ET disclosure, to the illegality of lockdowns and "mandatory" vaccines, to the…


Transpicuous News, April 11 2021

I'm back!  ....sorry, life, the universe, and everything kinda got in the way of putting out videos for a while. Oh the Insanity never ceases, and always increases exponentially!!  Today I put out a brief New Report to touch on just a couple of topics that required a bit of a spotlight on them.  I'll be going into more detail on this…


UnFuckIt Discussion, April 7 2021

Well, the insanity continues, and more and more people are getting shocked awake...and yet so many are still so completely programmed and mind controlled that even with the unbelievably epic amount of transparency that is being shone across the world....they are still drinking the covidkoolaid.  Todays discussion was all over the place, from the current covid craziness, to the "Golden Parade of…


UnFuckIt Discussion, March 31 2021

Great UnFuckIt Discussion last night, at our new time/day: Wednesday evening at 10pm UK time. All of the blatant hypocrisy, corruption, fraud & bullshittery is being laid bare for all to see- in finance, politics, and health. Dissecting the media's circus, and watching this insanity play out right now is unbelievable.  Makes us want to step back: not my circus, not my…


Predictive Programming… a few little points

This video published earlier this week gives a look into the world of predictive programming.  To most of us, this is not a new topic, and really, most of the points in this video are things we're already well aware of.  But there are a few little pieces in here that are worth looking at. The cover of the Economist Magazine in…