UnFuckers Movie Night: The Matrix Reloaded

Last night the UnFuckers watched the second Matrix movie: Matrix Reloaded.  This is our short conversation after the movie. My note and personal opinion:  The Matrix is the Human Story, Reloaded is the Machines Story.  I've included the live chat log below as it has a lot of very interesting and insightful commentary. d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay5btLcL0XA&feature=youtu.be     The Matrix Reloaded- Neo and…


Transpicuous Views: What are the hiding in our sky?

  This was just a quick pre-show chat with the UnFuckers before watching "the Matrix Reloaded".  So, with everything that has been happening over the past month or so- solar observatories shutting down suddenly, satellites going into "safe" mode, etc.... the Question on my mind is: What the fuck are they trying to hide from us in our skys/space?   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyFoDiOyFhc&feature=youtu.be


UnFuckIt Discussion, Oct 10th 2018

The UnFuckIt Discussion last night opened up with a typical D-Rant, this time about the alternative media, the programmed diversionary and division tactics that so many "Truthers" and "awake" people are falling for, hook, line & sinker... and the setting up of "story-lines" in Antarctica. Great discussion with so many UnFuckers bringing excellent points to the table to be looked at. d…


UnFuckers Movie: The Matrix

Last night the UnFuckers watched the movie The Matrix.... and I mean really WATCHED it.  This movie is one of the few of this genre that has stood the test of time, not just visually, but in it's core storyline.  Every time you watch it, another piece becomes clear and more questions come to the surface.  Over the next 2 weeks we…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Oct 3 2018

A brilliant discussion last night with the UnFuckers, centered mostly around health and healing, the quantum effect of consciousness and "intent", C60 fullerenes and the interview with Anthony Peake talking about "buckyballs" and the double slit experiment (ground breaking research- video below!), and healing modalities and removing our self/ego and allowing energy and healing to flow where it's needed without directing it. …


UnFuckers Movie Night: Dogma

Sunday night, the UnFuckers watched an oldie but a goodie, Dogma.  At the end of the movie, I played the deleted scene, "Evil is an Abstract"(below). This is a very interesting piece where the demon Azrael explains how humans created the concept of evil and damnation that created "hell".   d   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7t5IEsqz74&feature=youtu.be   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlvWu3s_ImY      


Transpicuous Views: Don’t Drown!

The Insanity has reached epic proportions.  Social Media, Alt Media & Main Stream Media are promoting mass hysteria and divisionism through emotional manipulation and program triggered brainwashing unlike anything ever seen before. Do NOT allow yourself to drown in the rhetoric. love d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pZIWOjWLso&feature=youtu.be            


UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 26th 2018

  Last night's UnFuckIt Discussion opened with several tech issues, lol- which seems to the the norm these days- so the first 12 minutes of the live stream was not recorded. d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7if8vK4v7ns&feature=youtu.be   Deleted Scene from the Movie Dogma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlvWu3s_ImY    


UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 19 2018: Reset?

A few interesting article came up lately.... I'm wondering just what kind of a "reset" they may be planning....  We talked about a lot of different things last night. d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_Nog6l4hSY&feature=youtu.be     https://www.rt.com/news/438778-woolly-mammoth-clone-siberia/ https://www.rt.com/news/314056-russian-scientists-clone-mammoth/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3990798 https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn18509-resurrection-ancient-humans-rise-from-dead/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5239451/5-300-year-old-ice-man-Otzi-killed-arrow.html https://www.livescience.com/63187-siberian-permafrost-worms-revive.html    


UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 12, 2018

Last nights UnFuckIt discussion was a great one.  We jumped through several topics, for the statement by Ohio Gov. Kasich stating on CNN that "John McCain was put to death" (video below), the closing of the Solar Observatory in NM and the weirdness seen on SDO cameras at that same time, to the planes that were quarantined for "Disease X" and all…