The UnFuckIt Discussion, Aug 24 2022

Welcome to the UnFuckIt Discussion, where this weeks news sounds like something out of a dystopian fan fiction novel.... bad fan fiction!       Latest astrology update from Meghan: Mercury entered Shadow over the weekend and will be stationing retrograde on September 9th - and while technically it hasn't yet begun, it's already been a doozy! The Mercurial energy is very…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Aug 17 2022

Last night on the UnFuckIt Discussion I opened with a short solar events report:  Yesterday evening heralded the beginning of multiple solar events- with 2 separate incoming multiple CME's hitting within a day or so of each other, and a high speed coronal hole solar particle stream all at the same time.  The passage of the first rounds of CMEs was marked…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Aug 10 2022

Last nights UnFuckIt Discussion was a litany of "What the Fuck?!" over some of this weeks latest bits of news..... seriously, it's just INSANITY!!!           This is the transcript from the interview I talked about with Ben in the second half of the discussion    


UnFuckIt Discussion, Aug 3 2022

World Civil War I What does a Global Revolution look like?  With everything we've seen and experienced over the past 2 years (cough *decade* cough), I think we can safely hypothesize that "THEY" are trying to push humanity into full on revolt.  Never before has humanity been inundated from all sides with the unbelievable gross fraud and corruption that we've been living…


UnFuckIt Discussion, July 27 2022

Sorry for the huge delay everyone- it's been a hectic week!  Here is last weeks UnFuckIt discussion, July 27 2022.  We got into all sorts of topics last week, but it was a very chill, and relaxed show over all, talking about music, gardening and then.... AI, lol         This is the video that we watched together at the…