Emergence Theory, Consciousness & the Quantum Entangled Simulation

This is an excellent video that was sent to me today and perfectly meshes with some of the subjects I've been talking about for the past few years/months/weeks/whatevers.  Yes.... we're going back down the Physics Rabbit Hole!! While the information discussed in the video, and the article excepts below, may contain different descriptive words/concepts than what we've been using to try and…


Transpicuous Views May 14 2017, with Dr. Tarrin Lupo

SORRY DARLINS- MINOR(MAJOR) TECHNICAL ERROR- UPLOADING THE VIDEO AGAIN NOW...... I'LL REPUBLISH IT AS SOON AS IT'S READY D     On Transpicuous Views last night, I was joined by Dr. Tarrin Lupo in a continuation of our epic discussion that started the previous evening when I was invited onto his show "Tarrin it up", (link below). Tarrin and I took an…