Transpicuous Views June 19 2017: The Current of Money

On this episode of Transpicuous Views, I was joined by our very own John Carl Anderson, Karl of Canada, and David Hodgeson to dig into the topic of "Money" and "Currency".   We started off with a look at the back ground of what it actually is, who controls it, and how, and moved into areas that are new, such as Electronic/Digital…


Let’s Talk about UnFuckers

Hi darlins!  This is just a brief update about UnFucker's Unite- both the facebook group and the RTS Earth Community. I want to open up the discussion on this topic and give you UnFuckers the opportunity to express yourselves and give me your thoughts and ideas. It's been pointed out to me by a lot of people that they really don't want…


Transpicuous Views June 11 2017: Manifesting Magic

Not a week goes by that shit doesn't get more and more interesting.  This Saturday was officially rabbit hole day for me, with hours and hours spent digging info multiple WTFs that had all dropped into my lap within an hour of each other.   The world is a Magical Place .... apparently!   love d         Links for…


How to sell Cancer & Cancer Drugs and Destroy the Cancer Cure

I have been following this very closely and warning the public that this was coming for years now.  The official GMO take over of the Cannabis industry, making medicinal marijuana into nothing more than a placebo at best, and toxic at the worst. Bayer is buying Monsanto. So now the super mega corporation can sell you cancer, sell you the drugs for…


RTS Earth has a facelift and a new dress

The site has had an overhaul. John has switched us over to the "Beta test" program now (it had overwhelming support against the "BuddyBoss" template we originally started up with).   Please take some time to take a look through, and to play with it as you will. Any comments or suggests are appreciated (please post them as a comment on…


Emergency Call Out!!

My friends, our own John Carl, who's spent hundreds of hours helping many people with building and running websites, Who is the Wizard responsible for the creation of this website, who Produces my Transpicuous Views show and the UnFuckIt Discussion, and who had spent thousands of hours helping people with Keshe tech stuff, AND has ALWAYS been there to offer technical advice…


New Feature

Hey there RTS folks.... We now have a new feature in our community... We have a wall with all of the site's activity in one place. It's a cool wall with space to add graffiti, rants, accolades or whatever else you may feel the need to share. You can find this wall by heading over to your account menu at the top…


Decision time…

It is time for the members to decide which layout they like best. the RTS staff is leaning toward the Beta because of functionality and ease of use, but in the long run, it's the users that need to be happy with the site. So to that end, we are asking for feedback concerning your experiences and preferences with the current software…