Emergence Theory, Consciousness & the Quantum Entangled Simulation

This is an excellent video that was sent to me today and perfectly meshes with some of the subjects I've been talking about for the past few years/months/weeks/whatevers.  Yes.... we're going back down the Physics Rabbit Hole!! While the information discussed in the video, and the article excepts below, may contain different descriptive words/concepts than what we've been using to try and…


Together we’ll cross the river

"The Humbling River" Braved the forests, braved the stone Braved the icy winds and fire Braved and beat them on my own Yet I'm helpless by the river Angel, angel, what have I done? I've faced the quakes, the wind, the fire I've conquered country, crown, and throne Why can't I cross this river? Angel, angel, what have I done? I've faced…


Transpicuous Views July 16 Part 2: The Virtual Question

As I said in TV July 16th Part 1, I hadn't actually planned on discussing the whole financial question again, but felt moved to really lay it all out on the table one last time.  That was the first half of Transpicuous Views last night.  What I really wanted to dig into was the topic of this seemingly "Virtual" Reality that we…


Transpicuous Views July 16 2017 Part 1…. if you don’t know….

 After this Wednesday nights UnFuckIt Discussion: Deja Vu and the Question of hidden accounts,  I was planning on putting this entire topic to rest and to move on to other discussions..... But in observing the reactions of people to this viral conversation about accessing hidden accounts in the Federal Reserve and Treasury Direct, my inner momma warrior rose up and said "WAIT!".…


Transpicuous News July 14 2017: Virtual Reality

You know me, I look at the timing of things, and the hidden bits and pieces in an article.  When this came out yesterday, I immediately asked "WHY?", when it's obviously a rehash of information that we've already reviewed all last year.... what's the "new" piece to this?  .... ...Interesting stuff my friends!!  "Error correcting" codes?  In "Blocks"?   Add that to…


UnFuckIt July 12 2017: Deja Vu & the Question of hidden accounts

Last nights UnFuckIt  Show was a discussion about the current financial questions with regards to accessing accounts through your ID. I invited several people from in the various groups who are working on this, including Lisa Harrison, Brian Kelly, Heather Tucci Jarraf, Bob Wright, Lisa Shannon, Bill (American Kabuki), and several others.  We discussed not only the background of these accounts, but…


Transpicuous Views July 9/17: Terms & Conditions

Rise up and take the power back It's time the fat cats had a heart attack You know that their time's coming to an end We have to unify and watch our flag ascend It's time!! love d     http://rts.earth/2017/07/declaration-of-non-consent/   http://rts.earth/2017/07/break-free/     "Uprising" Paranoia is in bloom, The PR transmissions will resume They'll try to push drugs that keep…


Declaration of Non-Consent

  My Declaration of Notice, and Declaration of Non-Consent is written and spoken with MY Intent. My Intent is the ONLY power/energy/intent/law/declaration that is valid for MY BEING.  I Speak and Write from MY Intent and no Interpretations of MY intent are valid nor have any power/energy/counter intent/jurisdiction/legal validity/ability to counter in any way, shape or form, MY INTENT.    DECLARATION of NOTICE YOU have…