UnFuckIt Discussion Oct 30 2019

After Transpicuous News, we continued with the UnFuckIt Discussion and dug into the current insanity that is playing out across the world, on multiple levels.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R64_EaFwuTA&feature=youtu.be    


Transpicuous News Oct 30 2019

 Last night we had a run down of the latest news that really jumped out and demanded attention. Oh the shit is really insane!!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sByDl4A7OA&feature=youtu.be     https://scitechdaily.com/scientists-thought-it-was-physically-impossible-magnetic-instability-discovered-in-suns-rotating-plasma/amp/?fbclid=IwAR0ej75CdHPXnAaXTgWiciahn5HwGTlx78rFs6GTRXuUcOvfTB1L-mELA9M https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/dwarf-planet-solar-system-eso-telescope-hygiea-sphere-a9174806.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR0Wo5pYhkjd9B9KrWvrCRJ6FKT48aoqvknK7QFb43C8rDMFjU1773uRZfU#Echobox=1572279402 https://climatechangedispatch.com/whistleblower-nasa-faked-climate-data/ https://electroverse.net/all-50-states-could-fall-below-freezing-by-halloween/?fbclid=IwAR141KV_EgTinI_U8oJ7j-yj6ajmkWLPrYY8ip9s6WvpZMPf1gQPCAXrrAQ https://www.fox4news.com/news/lightning-strike-leaves-15-foot-hole-in-fort-worth-parking-lot?fbclid=IwAR1Fdww0mAxVsXUbjS1llSc5qArXXWXOWnWGaeJl1AWfVVbDYNUxau1Gq9U https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/second-consecutive-quarter-what-americans-spent-most-money?fbclid=IwAR2hBhM8TJiZpVLvpJJNacadAZnOzDIkjqcRkDhNZipFC4ZTODzMui5ajqc https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/scientists-demonstrate-direct-brain-to-brain-communication-in-humans/?fbclid=IwAR2KzUB9wBpRDMHoEkDl8AuM-pckfXVkvS-6lAxfi4jKD0_WkU8Zaaw6TDc https://www.wddty.com/news/2019/10/polio-outbreak-in-philippines-caused-by-the-vaccine-says-who.html?fbclid=IwAR0Zz_s3g70gWxfb9H7cwBSwxcfhrJwJDOXm6CnWZK4Y8A6Fn8yVJCk1crI https://www.rt.com/usa/472223-epstein-death-homicide-pathologist-says/ http://solarham.net/ http://spaceweather.com/ https://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/IswaSystemWebApp/?fbclid=IwAR0bNTdH7F7SqzlkOnAuaz_E1n_RNVYDTa1E3Z1m9Zx7NnNN0AAN5B5r5wk https://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplot.php?virtual_network=GSN&fbclid=IwAR0mzZ9akeCWVzzq7OFvLvKZIZFkS-9C6UkktaUO10l6ua-n1fzTeQ_6YAw https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/ https://tesis.lebedev.ru/en/magnetic_storms.html https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fsosrff.tsu.ru%2F%3Fpage_id%3D7&sandbox=1      


UnFuckIt Discussion Oct 23 2019

  Another great conversation, followed by another awesome "After Show" discussion as well last night!  We started off looking at the wild geomagnetics of the past few days, and I brought into the discussion a set of videos that I had watched just a few hours before going live, interviews with Montana Skywatcher, Samuel Hofman, about "Nibiru". Hofman brings to the table…


UnFuckIt Discussion Oct 16 2019

  What a wild and crazy ride this reality is!  Great discussion with the UnFuckers last night on a ton of topics from geomagnetic events, current health issues, "Tinnitus", our changing atmosphere, to the Deagel websites estimates of mass drops in populations in some countries, to the California black out and WTF was actually happening there.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt3-gR50hnk&feature=youtu.be     These are the…


Kev Baker Show, with Dani Oct 15 2019

Last night I was on The Kev Baker Show, live streamed, for two hours and oh MAN.... did we ever have a blast!!  The first of definitely many more discussions to come, that I can guarantee, and as soon as we can figure out the schedule, Kev will be on the UnFuckIt discussion as well.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJc0g7T__tg


Changes to UnFuckerUnite Membership

Changes to UnFuckersUnite Membership Out with the Old, in with the New …we’re doing things differently this time! I have been ranting about the technology failures that seem to be happening all around us for months .  These continuous problems have plagued the world….and our websites.  Back in the early summer UnFuckersUnite was hit hard with some sort of  attack that caused…


UnFuckIt Discussion Oct 9th 2019

  What a crazy world we are stuck in!!!  Last night we talked about the geomagnetic insanity that has been hitting us for the past few days, the political insanity that is a global phenomena, the massive uprisings in Hong Kong, Ecuador, Iraq, Yemen, and of course Paris/France, the PG&E power cuts in California. We also talked about the huge topic of…


Transpicuous News Geomagnetic update: Oct 8 2019

The past few days has seen some crazy blasts hitting planet Earth... the big question though is what are they and where are they coming from?  ...Not from our sun that's a certainty in my opinion.  In this geomagnetic update, I take you guys on a journey back in time to Oct 7/8 2015 and walk through what we saw then, vs…


UnFuckIt Discussion Oct 2 2019

We dove into the crazy, the woo woo, and all things in between last night! Aliens, UFOs, quantum computers, missing time, timeloops, mandela effects..... oh yes, it was a very interesting conversation!! Afterwards the Unfuckers hung out and the discussion continued and went deep into the conversation of "legal" vs "lawful", taxation is theft, the "strawman", where money comes from and 2…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Sept 25 2019

Last night's UnFuckIt discussion opened with a geomagnetic review of the insanity we witnessed Sept 24 at just after 2am and we segued into talking about the latest "News" from space, with supermassive black holes binge eating, elevators to the moon, and our position crossing the ecliptic of the Galactic Core.... from there I tried to articulate my thoughts on "time" and…