UnFuckIt Prepping: Food and working within a tight budget

Shit is getting real....are you prepared?  I talk about "prepardness" quite often on the shows, so I decided to pull together some basic knowledge over the next few weeks.  Today we focused on basic Food Prepping and how to get prepared within a tight budget ...  let's face it, we're all broke.  There are a bunch of things that I've missed, and…


The UnFuckIt Discussion: being prepared for the next insanity

Yet another edition of as the stomach turns in 2020.... planet earth makes insanity look so easy! We had a great discussion today on a wide range of topics from the new lockdowns being put into place in various countries and cities, to the bizarre lightening and storms around the planet, to creating a new hash tag: #areyouafuckhead?, lol. There are several…


UnFuckIt Discussion, July 29 2020

The end of July and the Insanity continues across the world.... ...I'll let everyone know when UnFuckersUnite.com membership is ready to be relaunched and the Library is up and running!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ny7TI5xrlw Facebook group: Solar, Cosmic rays, & Geomagnetic effects on biology Monty's YouTube Channel:  Wafer Thin Entertainment


UnFuckIt Discussion: Fuck this shit, I’m out…

What a fuckin' week!!  Mass hysteria, mass insanity, mass mind control, mass public programming, and holy shit.....  overwhelming urge to head to the hills!  Masking, Big Brother is watching, your neighbors are snitching, contact tracing, protestors rioting, Governments grabbing, stores stealing, ....  It's choice point time folks!!!     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM_SN6QcB7E         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FjWe31S_0g              …


UnFuckIt Discussion: It’s all Lies!

Good evening UnFuckers!!  A Lively discussion made close to 2 hours just fly by on todays UnFuckIt Discussion: "Pandemics" that aren't, history, science, conspiracy facts, money and finance... we went everywhere today!! First Announcement: UnFuckers Meet up in the UK!!!!  Sunday July 26th at noon in West Bromwich, West Midlands- for details you can contact me at dani (at) rts (dot) earth-…


UnFuckIt Discussion, July 8 2020

After a break for a week, we were back at it again today- the UnFuckIt Discussion as usual went speeding through multiple topics- with a focus on history at the moment!!!     ...and the Unfuckersunite.com membership site will be up and running again very soon!!!!!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcYV6k04o0I    


UnFuckIt Discussion, June 24 2020

Crazy energy, Crazy times, Crazy discussion!!!  We went all over the place in this weeks UnFuckIt discussion, from the epic energetic sideswipe that seem to slam a lot of people this past weekend, to "what are they going to try and distract us from next?", to discussing the fuckery of "history" and religions, to the co-opting of the alternative media to spread…


UnFuckIt Discussion June 17 2020…. insanity continues

Another week, yet another level of insanity has been reached. What's coming?  Something is coming, but exactly what it is, we don't know.  But holy shit folks, the distractions have reached epic proportions!!!     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NavldZiYUQ   https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/jun/15/scientists-say-most-likely-number-of-contactable-alien-civilisations-is-36 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/aunt-jemima-brand-will-change-name-remove-image-quaker-says-n1231260?cid=sm_npd_nn_fb_ma&fbclid=IwAR0sMsSGPeddHGxWcvZ_G1qmghp9vTUCmj2z7r32ib3jmcISTpU0aJLbHeM   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyWU9wgIDqY&fbclid=IwAR0Ok6eypdYrO0YUUFlroE_KIxU9845ioQj_8MXXGRmXnCpa9pLzYkZMqeM


UnFuckIt Discussion, A simulation within a simulation within a simulation….

  Welcome to the simulation...?  Have you watched Westworld?  Season 3 opens with the question being asked "what if we are in a simulation within a simulation....how would we know?".  And if we ARE in a simulation (within a simulation), how do we break the simulation?  UnFuckers and I got into a really in depth conversation on this subject, looking at the…


UnFuckIt Discussion…the insanity continues

  June is here ....and the insanity has continued on an exponential growth scale.   Besides discussion all the current craziness that's going on around us, we got into a VERY interesting conversation about astrology, symbology, esoteric hidden knowledge, history, and reality itself.... ....there might just be a new show that comes out of this!     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY0YSmgsVtU     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a59q6tVHyJ4&fbclid=IwAR1WvwAn_WtMDAH8BHhuqnzwQlddvF5FDlMmsRI3rxRQZVsNtUNjzId1LVg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XqFMNU1L7o&t=621s  …