Is this why we are here?

During all of this insanity, during all the confusion, the anger, the fear, the grief, and the pain.... people are waking up faster than we've ever seen before. Stand up "truthers", "unfuckers" "way showers" and "seed planters!! We are needed now more than ever, and we need to be CALM to do this job!


Transpicuous News Global Update April 13/14 2020

  COVID19 Global Updates   Not COVID19 Related, but my spiteful side just wanted to say "I told you so!!!" : Bernie Sanders Endorses Joe Biden For President   FINANCE/TRAVEL: Coronavirus pandemic to cost global airlines $314 BILLION in revenue – IATA Austria, Denmark & Italy tentatively emerge from coronavirus lockdown China reduces number of people crossing its borders by 90% India:…


Transpicuous News April 10/11 2020

COVID19 global updates Zerohedge: US Coronavirus Outbreak Officially World's Deadliest As Total Killed Tops 20k: Live Update Belarus’s President Warns Global Elites Using COVID-19 Crisis to Try to Reshape World Order France: 50 cases of Covid-19 aboard France’s ONLY aircraft carrier, Defense Ministry confirms France: No Cannes do! French police turn away would-be holidaymakers fleeing London lockdown in private jet Singapore BANS…


Transpicuous News April 8/9 2020

COVID19 Global Updates Zerohedge: Cuomo Says We're Only Seeing 'The First Wave' Of COVID-19: Live Updates UN suspends deployment and rotation of peacekeeping troops worldwide due to coronavirus pandemic USA: Virginia Governor Orders Residents to Stay Home Until June 10 Americans Not Making Their Mortgage Payments Soar By 1064% In One Month FINANCE: Free Markets Are Dead: Fed To Start Buying Junk…