OYM Radio Interview with Dani Arnold

  Last night I had a brilliant time on Open Your Mind Radio out of Ireland.  Alan and I had a fantastic discussion on so many topics that the conversation seemed to move at light speed, and 2 hours went by so quickly that I may have whiplash!!  If you missed the show last night, here is the archive recording from OYM's…


UnFuckIt Eurasian Edition Mar 10 2019

  Welcome to the UnFuckIt Discussion- the Eurasian Edition that is held once a month at a "decent" time for those of us in Europe and Asia and Oceania :D We dug into a LOT of topics today, from the geomagnetics, earth changes, physical symptoms, the WTF/Mandela effect of this past week, and really had a great conversation about listening to our…


Transpicuous News Geomagnetic Update: March 7th 2019

  Well this certainly has been an interesting week for our planet!  This episode of Transpicuous News begins with a brief geomagnetic update that I covered during last nights UnFuckIt Discussion, then I show you the OTHER ridiculous anomalies from the past few days! Yo Yos in space anyone? d   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zohjp63AwE&feature=youtu.be   Links for this episode of Transpicuous News:   https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/latest48.php?q=0094…


UnFuckIt discussion: March 6th 2019

  Last night's UnFuckIt discussion I opened up with a geomagnetic update on the craziness of the past 36 hours.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOTy1QK6vNM&feature=youtu.be   https://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/IswaSystemWebApp/?fbclid=IwAR0bNTdH7F7SqzlkOnAuaz_E1n_RNVYDTa1E3Z1m9Zx7NnNN0AAN5B5r5wk      


UnFuckIt Discussion Feb 6th 2019

  What an awesome discussion we had last night!!  We dug into the electrical/magnetic aspects of what we are seeing around us and experiencing physically, and the latest events - especially the announcements from all the major agencies and media about the resetting of the World Magnetic Maps, which was released earlier this week!  Then we were joined by Meghan to discuss…


UU discussion about Tissue Cell Salts

After watching two episodes of Fringe, the UnFuckers got into a VERY interesting discussion about Tissue Cell Salts.  Very important information about over all health. Ann Callaghan and I will have a special discussion on this very soon! d   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm_UXVpahAo&feature=youtu.be Tissue Cell Salts https://www.hylands.com/products/cell-salts https://www.helios.co.uk/shop/search/taxonomy/tissue-salts   Ann Callaghan's Indigo Essences https://indigoessences.com/   Tissue Cell Salt information https://similia.wordpress.com/schussler-tissue-salts/?fbclid=IwAR3Z3v1MwIQ4P04onQ2avj73tUSmc1p_UvzKO_obJm1jV5DomZrONynbFL4 https://vdocuments.site/castro-cellsalthandouts.html?fbclid=IwAR3_4msuRUzpUUaUUnGlqMjBf2XzeNpUE7WOmkGA16hOS4f9V4EdNE8JW7o https://www.mirandacastro.com/app/uploads/2018/11/Gentle-Little-Souls-Everyday-Uses-for-Tissue-Cell-Salts-Miranda-Castro-Homeopathy.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0XajimIVf3phgLgTR_eyAEDqXcql_pg83gOpCrxKhGcVQWTATG7I9F4jE http://conferences.westonaprice.org/wp-content/uploads/Cell-Salts-Mini-Repertory.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0ZEb-zdevJKWH_Gs0km6fYBGn73FXYCi0JA449pqR54dReQijwimtQRHA  …


UnFuckIt Euroasian Edition, Feb 3 2019

  The First Sunday of every month we host the UnFuckIt Discussion in the EurAsian Time Zone!  This morning we had a fantastic conversation about all the incredible geomagnetic/electrical fuckery going on at the moment, and really dug into the topic of Astrology and the historical influences of planetary alignments and the "electric universe" theory of how this applies to us right…


UnFuckIt Discussion, Jan 30th 2019

After Transpicuous News, we went right into the UnFuckIt Discussion, talking about the insanity of the past few weeks, the physical "symptoms" of whatever kind of strange fields/energies/particles our reality is moving through at the moment.  After we said good bye to our LIVE stream audience on Twitch TV, the UnFuckers hung out on zoom and kept chatting.  The video of the…


Transpicuous News Jan 30 2019

  In last night's Transpicuous News update, I spoke about the Geomagnetic instability of our planets shields and showed some of the anomalies from the past few days in the latest charts.  I also spoke about what is happening in Venezuela and cautioned people to please watch this event very closely: we are seeing 2011 and Libya playing out again right in…