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UnFuckIt Eurasian Edition Mar 10 2019


Welcome to the UnFuckIt Discussion- the Eurasian Edition that is held once a month at a “decent” time for those of us in Europe and Asia and Oceania 😀

We dug into a LOT of topics today, from the geomagnetics, earth changes, physical symptoms, the WTF/Mandela effect of this past week, and really had a great conversation about listening to our children and letting them lead us when it comes to tuning into what’s happening all around us.  These kids have far less programming than we do and seem to be able to ride these waves a little easier and by following their own intuition on things like: how they are feeling, when they are tired, when they want to eat- and even what they want to eat, and their thoughts during this wild ride.

All our shows are LIVE streamed on Twitch TV HERE:









I'm me. It's who I wanna be.