The UnFuckIt Discussion, June 28th 2023

After our usual ramble through the latest bullshit that's going on around the world, the UnFuckers got into an interesting discussion about history- specifically the "orphan trains", and the common social "norms" of the times in the 1800's etc...  Life then was vastly different than it is now, and I'm not talking about "technological" advancements. We also discussed the destruction of the…


Helping Ben After the Fire

Anyone who watches the UnFuckIt Discussion know's who Ben is- our crazy resident Kiwi living in Australia, who talks about so many subjects.....  If you watched Last weeks show, then you know that last Sunday, Ben's Laboratory and mycelium farm burned to the ground.  The fire raged through the building and destroyed all his lab equipment- including experiments that they were currently…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, June 21 2023

Here is this week's UnFuckIt discussion from last night, Wednesday June 21, 2023. At this point we do not have a crowd funding campaign put together for Ben, but we do hope to have it organized very soon, and I will absolutely post it here on RTS.Earth as soon as it's available.    


The UnFuckIt Discussion, June 7th 2023

Nature is definitely doing weird weird things. We opened last nights discussion talking about the crazy things we're seeing in our garden and surrounding area: plants going to seed out of cycle, flowers and trees blooming far too early, hen's laying eggs when they shouldn't be.....  oh the breakdown of the strange simulation we are in! Weather anomalies, wild fires "out of…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, May 31, 2023

In Realms of more transparency, the UK government has asked for public comment on their new "Digital Pound" currency they want to launch.... and the documentation they've released on this topic.... not even slightly transparent and oh the loops holes!!! Yes.... shit is really Really REALLY speeding up now!!