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Helping Ben After the Fire

Anyone who watches the UnFuckIt Discussion know’s who Ben is- our crazy resident Kiwi living in Australia, who talks about so many subjects…..  If you watched Last weeks show, then you know that last Sunday, Ben’s Laboratory and mycelium farm burned to the ground.  The fire raged through the building and destroyed all his lab equipment- including experiments that they were currently working on, his mycelium farm with 30 species of mushrooms in various states of growth, his podcast studio, a huge collection of historical books and documents,  and all his farming equipment and tools.




Please help us rebuild Ben’s Laboratory and mycelium farm!!  If you cannot afford to give cash, please share this around your social media and groups- we need to raise as much money as we can, as fast as we can!

This is from the Crowdfunding campaign that he just set up to rebuild his world:

Dear Fam & Community,

Today, we come before you with heavy hearts, seeking your support during this challenging time. Our ongoing and running projects, which hold immense promise for our community and the environment, have suffered a devastating loss. On the night of the 18th of June an electrical fire Ravaged through our Office/Podcast Studio and Mushroom lab, burning everything to the ground. 

We turn to you, our extended family & community, for assistance as we strive to rebuild and restore. Following is a bit on what we were/are doing and what has been taken from us.

One of our cherished endeavours revolves around mushroom cultivation—a venture dedicated to promoting health, well-being, and environmental regeneration. Tragically, the fire not only consumed our mushroom growing facilities but also devastated our office space and podcasting studio. Alongside this loss, our invaluable library of permaculture, agriculture, and science resources, containing significant historical works, was reduced to ashes. The breadth of knowledge and inspiration that we had carefully curated is now irreplaceable.

Our collaborative projects with local First Nations communities, integrating traditional ecological knowledge with modern approaches, were also adversely affected. The fire’s destructive path erased months of hard work, collaboration, and the shared vision of harmonising with the environment.

Lastly, our not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to making a positive impact on society, lost its headquarters and all associated resources. The fire ruthlessly claimed everything we had built, undermining our ability to serve those in need.

We stand before you today, humbly seeking support. Your contribution, no matter the amount, will directly aid us in rebuilding our projects and restoring our library—a repository of wisdom and inspiration. With your help, we can resurrect our office space, podcasting studio, and the invaluable resources that fuelled our passion for sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

Join us in the collective effort to rebuild what has been lost. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a profound impact, bringing us closer to revitalising our projects and reclaiming the wealth of knowledge they represent.

As we reach out to our family, our community, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your consideration and support. Your generosity will not only aid us in reclaiming what was lost but also rekindle the flame of hope, inspiring us to continue our work for the betterment of all.

With profound appreciation

Ben, Elloise, Zeeky,  Milly & Bruce (the 2 dogs), the geese, the ducks, the chickens


Thank you hugely to everyone who’s reached out to Ben and family and done what they can to help!!