X Class Solar Flare and incoming CME

Well darlins, it's been a long time since I've written a solar update article, but yesterday's X Class solar flare definitely deserves a bit of a heads up. This activity is the first real kickoff to solar cycle 25, and it's only going to get more "active" as we move into the next year or two. Over the past few days our…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Oct 27 2021

On this weeks UnFuckIt Discussion we managed to go almost the entire show without talking about COVID bullshittery!!!  We had a really great conversation on several topics from cryptos, to working through our emotional breakdowns, to diving deep into the woo woo of Steiner, and 16th century astrology, and electric universe facts hidden in 4 hundred year old books.  Like I said,…


The UnFuckIt Discussion, Oct 20 2021

Another week in clown world, and more craziness to discuss. Last night we dug into the woo woo arena during the second half of the discussion. If you are a private member on the Unfuckersunite.com website and you cannot sign in, please let me know!!  dani (at) rts (dot) earth We're still working out some of the kinks here and there.  …


The UnFuckIt Discussion Oct 6 2021

In This weeks UnFuckIt Discussion We jumped right into the thick of it all.  First stop: The Pandora Papers... don't be fooled by the bullshit/psy-op!  Next the latest updates from the prison colony down under, vaccine mandate roll outs globally, and more outright assholedry by the so called media and politicians.... really, it's the "new norm" these days, isn't it?    …


UnFuckersUnite.com is Down/Crashed

ALERT: the UnFuckersUnite.com website is down- completely crashed!! I'm working with the server host  (and our awesome Penny) to restore it. We are currently reinstalling the database but may have lost 2 months of data from the site. This is the 4th time that Unfuckersunite.com has been destroyed..... for no reason that the server host companies will (ever) explain. UnFuckersunite.com will most…