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The UnFuckIt Discussion May 8 2024

Last nights UnFuckIt Discussion opened with me giving a Solar report: We’ve had 3 X Class solar flares and multiple high level M Class flares in the past 24 hours.  We’re expecting 2 CMEs from two of the solar flares to go past Earth on Friday, and there was a solar filament that ripped off this afternoon that has sent a third CME directly towards Earth as well. We have NEVER seen this type of solar activity in this solar cycle.  The threat probability has been raised to 95% for MClass, and 60% chance of another X Class solar flare.


…Yea…. and the world is insane.

…….. Oh and Canada’s PM has now been renamed Chairman Mao.  Just sayin’.




Right after the UnFuckIt Discussion ended, we had yet ANOTHER X class solar flare, this is the third long duration flare today…. AND….. this morning another X 2.2 long duration Flare!!! Shit could get very interesting over the next few days my friends!!